Praying thro Isaiah (Dec 31)

Judgment for Pagan Nations
(Prayer Walk thro Isaiah 13-27)

Backgrounder: After proclaiming
coming judgment for Judah with
the hope that the people have
seen the Messiah, Isaiah proceeds
to declare judgment on the
pagan nations. These include
Babylon and Moab (c13-16),
Ethiopia and Egypt (c17-20),
Jerusalem and Tyre (c21-23).
Finally, the prophet proclaims that
judgment will turn to jubilation.

Dear Lord, You are Almighty,
Sovereign, all Loving & You Care
for the welfare of Your people.
We learn from the passages from
Isaiah on your judgment on the
nations & your purposes are good.
Help us Accept Yr Sovereign Plan;
Help us Not to Trust in Idols; and
Help us to Put our Trust in U. Amen

Lord, we Accept Yr Sovereign Plan:
The Lord Almighty has sworn this
oath: It will all happen as I have
planned. It will come about
according to my purposes…
I have a plan for the whole earth,
for my mighty power reaches thro
out the world. The Lord Almighty
has spoken – who can change
his plans? When his hand moves,
who can stop him (Isa 14:24-27).
Lord, we praise You for your perfect
wisdom and purposes. In the face
of broken dreams or disappointed
plans, we are grateful for Yr Word.
In it we find encouragement that
nothing can thwart your purposes.
And we know You will accomplish
your perfect plan for my life. Amen

Lord, we will Not Trust in Idols:
This message came to (Isaiah)
concerning Damascus: Look the
city of Damascus will disappear!
It will become a heap of ruins…
In that day a man will look to
his Maker and his eyes will have
respect for the Holy One of Israel.
He will not look to the altars,
the work of his hands; he will
not respect what his fingers
have made (Isaiah 17: 1, 7-8).
Lord, we note people of Damascus
look to their idols and to their
own strength for all the answers.
And we may depend on our own
knowledge to save us from ills.
Help us not to place our trust in
human technology rather than in
You God for that’s idolatry. Amen.

Lord, we will put our Trust in You:
You will keep him in perfect peace,
whose mind is stayed on You,
because he trusts in You. Trust in
the Lord forever, for in Yah the Lord
is everlasting strength (Isa 26:3-4)
Lord, the reason I have peace
about the future is because
my future is found in You.
Even though I don’t know
the details about what is to come,
I know You know everything,
and my future is in Your hands.
Help me to walk faithfully with
You each day in Your Word and in
prayer so that I can move into the
purposes U have for my life. Amen

Dear Lord, You are Almighty,
Sovereign, all Loving & You Care
for the welfare of Your people.
Help us Accept Yr Sovereign Plan
and help us believe You will do it
even if it involves patient waiting.
Help us Not to look to idols and
our knowledge for all the answers,
but instead place our trust in You.
Help us to walk faithfully with You
each day in Your Word & in prayer
so that we can move into the
purposes You have for our life.
We put our trust in You for
What a Faithful God Have I.
In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.