Prayer Thot for the Day (Dec 27)

God Does More Than U Imagine

Backgrounder: David’s greatest
dream is to build a house for God.
Though David is not permitted
to build a house for God, God
will build a house for David –
a perpetual dynasty and kingdom.
God remains true to His promise
by preserving the line of David.

Lord, Your Will & Way is Better:
Lord, let the promise you have
made concerning your servant and
his house be established forever.
Do as you promised so that it will
be established & that your name
will be great forever. Then men
will say: The Lord Almighty, the
God over Israel, is Israel’s God!
And the house of your servant
David will be established
before you (1Chron 17:23-24).

Lord, we learnt from scripture
that David desired to build a
magnificent Temple to honour U.
He had big plans and all kinds of
resources ready. Then You God
revealed that David would not
be the one to achieve that goal.
The message Nathan shared
began with God’s “no” but ended
with amazing promises to David.
One of David’s offspring (Solomon)
will build the Temple and David’s
throne will be established forever.

Lord, we learnt that David rather
than complaining about being
denied the temple project, he
responded with gratitude & praise.
For God was giving more than
he ever dreamed – a temple
and an everlasting kingdom.

Lord, we confess disappointment
when our prayers are not answered
the way we wanted them to be.
But my greatest blessing will come
about because of Your will being
done in my life. And what You
have for me is far greater than
what I can imagine for myself.
Forgive me for any time I did
not trust that to be true. Amen.

Lord, help us whenever we sense
that You God is saying no to
our prayer, not to focus on the
disappointment over not having
our will be done. For if we do
that, we may miss out the joy of
something much better that can
come about if God’s will is done.
For God’s will is better than
anything we can imagine. Amen.