Prayer Thot for the Day (Dec 21)

God’s Strength Is Greater

Backgrounder on 2 King 4-8:
Elisha, the great miracle worker
of God performs eight miracles
in these 5 chapters, including
providing an oil well for a widow,
giving new life for a deaf boy,
multiplying bread for hungry crowd,
curing a leprous army captain and
enabling servant to see angels.

Lord, Your Strength Is Greater:
Ah my lord, what will we do now?
(Elisha’s servant) cried out to
Elisha. Don’t be afraid? Elisha
told him. For there are more
on our side than on theirs!
Then Elisha prayed: Oh Lord,
open his eyes and let him see!
The Lord opened his servant’s
eyes and when he looked up,
he saw that the hillside around
Elisha was filled with horses and
chariots of fire (2Kings 6:15-17)

Lord, grant me the light this day
to see in the unseen realm how
Your strength is greater than
any foe that threatens to assail me.
Open my eyes Lord! Remind me
of your awesome power and
Unlimited resources, and then
Let me take courage because
You are fighting for me! Amen.

Lord, In any difficult circumstance,
I shall not fear for You are
with me and You are my God.
You will Strengthen me, You will
help me and You will uphold me
with Your righteous right hand.
For God has not given us
a spirit of fear, but of Power.
And we can do all things thro
Christ who Strengthens us.
In Jesus name we are strong, Amen

Dear Friends, The Strength of
the Lord BE with you. Amen!!