Adoring God in Galatians 3

God Justifies Us By Faith (Oct 9)

This epistle is Paul’s manifesto of
justification by faith and the liberty
that produces. Paul directs this
charter of Christian freedom to
people who are about to forsake
the liberty they possess in Christ.
Certain Jewish legalists are
influencing the believers in
Galatia to trade their freedom
in Christ for bondage to the law.
Paul writes to refute their false
gospel of works and to show the
superiority of justification by faith.

Lord, we will Live By Faith:
Did u receive the Spirit by the works
of the law or by hearing of faith?
Are you so foolish? Having begun in
the Spirit, are you now being made
perfect by the flesh (Gal 3:2-3).
He who supplies the Spirit to you
and works miracles among you,
does He do it by the works of
the law or by the hearing of faith?
Just as Abraham believed God
and it was accounted to him
for righteousness (v5-6).
So then those who are of faith are
blessed with believing Abraham…
No one is justified by the law
in the sight of God is evident, for
the just shall Live By Faith (v9-11).

Father God, I did not receive the
Holy Spirit by the works of the law
but by the hearing of Faith. I am
not so foolish to turn to self efforts
to justify myself after I’ve admitted
that I can’t and that I need Jesus.
I am not the fool who begins new
life in the Spirit, then turns back
to works for justification; for Jesus
alone makes me perfect. Amen.

Father God does not give me His
Spirit because of the good works
that I do; or because I am sinless,
which I am obviously not at all.
He does these things because
I believe in Christ and in His Word,
and speaks it in the spirit of faith.
My belief becomes the springboard
for goodness in my life, and not
the works of righteousness. Amen.

Lord, I believe in Your power to do
miracles; and I desire to witness
the evidence of Your mighty work.
Help me Lord to believe fully in You
and to expect great things from You.
And I come to You believing not only
that You exist, but also believing
that You are a rewarder of those
who diligently seek You. Amen.