Prayer Thot for the Day (Dec 13)

God Delivers Faithful from Shame

Backgrounder on 1 Samuel 20-23:
David, the king-elect of Israel –
anointed, approved in battle and
awaiting the inauguration of his
reign, is fleeing for his life from
the deranged Saul, the king-
rejected. Saul’s pursuit drives
David to desperate measures
such as eating the forbidden
shewbread at Nob and feigning
insanity at Gath. But scripture
records that David’s confidence
in God never slackens, as frequent
petitions to God for direction
and protection clearly testify.

Lord, we put our Trust in You:
So David escaped from Saul
and went to King Achish of Gath.
But Arhish’s officers weren’t
happy about his being there. Isn’t
this David, the king of the land?
they asked. Isn’t he the one the
people honor with dances singing:
Saul has killed his thousands,
and David his ten thousands?
David heard these commends
and was afraid of what King Ashish
might do to him. So he pretended
to be insane, scratching on doors
& drooling his beard. King Ashish
said to his men: Must you bring
me a madman? (1 Sam 21:10-14).
I sought the Lord and He heard me
and delivered me from all my fears.
Those who look to Him are radiant;
their faces are never covered
with shame (Psalm 34:4-5).

Lord, we learn from Samuel 21
how David fleeing from King Saul,
pretended to be insane when
he encountered a Philistine king.
This is Israel’s greatest war hero
and most faithful follower of God,
depending on manmade trick
rather than God to save his skin!
Later David in reflecting upon
this incident, evidently regretted
his failure to demonstrate faith
before the king of Gath. And he
declares God is faithful to deliver
his people from shame (Psa 34:5)

Lord, we too are in tough spot or
real mess sometimes. But instead
of looking to You God & responding
to the situation in faith, we panic.
And end up making decisions
that we later regret. And we are
thankful, like David that after he
come back to God after making
choices he is shameful of, we can
still find forgiveness & cleansing
that puts our shame to flight.

Lord, You tell us not to be afraid
or discouraged. Given our life
situation, these commands may
seem impossible. Yet You pledge
your presence everywhere we go.
Thank You God for the amazing
promise in Psa 34:5 that when
we look to You, You will give
us joy. And You the Almighty
will not allow shame to touch us.
Help me believe it, not just in my
head, but deep within my soul.
And I will bless the Lord; for
I sought Him & He delivered me!
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.