Praying thro 2 Kings (Dec 10)

Jehu, Joash & Dispersion of Israel
Worship God & No Other
(Prayer Walk thro 2 Kings 9-17)

Backgrounder: Jehu, newly
anointed king of Israel, carried
out his instructions to smite the
house of Ahab that God may
avenge the blood of the prophets.
In the southern kingdom of Judah,
Athaliah usurps the throne and
seeks to secure her position
by killing all the royal offspring.
Only the infant Joash survives,
in time becomes one of the
greatest reforming kings of Judah.

Following the death of Elisha,
Israel’s downward’s spiral
accelerates. In spite of the able
rule of Jeroboam ll, the kings who
succeeds him lead the people
ever deeper into idolatry and
immorality. Not a single one of
the last nine monarchs looks to
God for direction. At last Assyria
captured and dispersed God’s
disobedient people and brought
the northern kingdom to an end.

Dear Lord, You want our undivided
worship and totally abhors idolatry.
We praise You for being In Control
of situations and Thank You
for Rescuing us Upon our Plea.
Help us to give you our Undivided
Heart and there will be no
other gods before You. Amen.

Lord, U are In Control of situations:
The young prophet poured the
oil over Jehu’s head and said:
This is what the Lord the God
of Israel says: I anoint you king
over the Lord’s people, Israel.
You are to destroy the family of
Ahab, your master. In this way,
I will avenge the murder of my
prophets & all the Lord’s servants
who were killed by Jezebel…
Dogs will eat Ahab’s wife Jezebel…
Jehu saw her at the window and
shouted: Who is on my side?
And two or three eunuchs looked
out at him. Throw her down!
Jehu yelled. So they threw her
out of the window… But when
they went out to bury her, they
found only her skull, her feet and
her hands (2Kings 9:6-10, 32-35)
Lord, Jezebel dishonourable death
shows You judges the unrepentant
wicked. It also shows we can
put our trust in You for You are
in control of situations. Amen.

Lord, You Rescue Upon Their Plea:
Jehoahaz did evil & made Israel sin.
Then the Lord delivered them into
the hand of the kings of Syria.
Jehoahaz pleaded with the Lord
and the Lord heard his prayer.
The Lord could see how terribly
the king of Syria was oppressing
Israel. So the Lord raised up
a deliverer to rescue the Israelites
from the tyranny of the Syrians.
Then Israel lived in safety again
as in former days (2Kings 13:2-5)
Lord, we thank you that your ear
is opened to the cry of yr children
and that U will act on our behalf.
And we don’t have to hesitate to
cry out to U for help in our lives.
Thank you that you listen to my
prayers and that you answer not
according to my goodness but
according to your grace & mercy.
Help me not be discouraged
from coming to you in prayer
including my own sense that I’m
undeserving of Yr blessing. Amen

Lord, U expect Undivided Heart:
In the ninth year of King Hosea’s
reign, Samaria fell and the people
of Israel were exiled to Assyria.
The disaster came upon the nation
of Israel because the people
worshipped other gods, sinning
against the Lord their God… They
feared the Lord, yet they served
their own gods, according to the
rituals of the nations from among
whom they were carried away…
They do not fear the Lord,
nor do they follow the law and
commandment which the Lord
had commanded the children of
Jacob (2 Kings 17:6-7, 33-34).
Lord, keep us from ever having
a divided heart. I don’t want to
weaken my allegiance to You
by showing any allegiance to
the false gods of this world.
Help me to stay in close touch
with you through constant prayer.
And unite my heart with yours
so that it never strays. Amen.

Dear Lord, You want our undivided
worship and totally abhors idolatry.
We praise You for being In Control
of situations and Thank You
for Rescuing us Upon our Plea.
Help us to give you our Undivided
Heart even us we purpose there
will be no other gods before You.
In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

I will have no other gods before You
Only U will reign as my heart’s King
I will have no other gods before You
I will put You first in everything.

With all my heart,
With all my mind
With all my soul,
With all my strength
I worship You