Adoring God In Hosea 2/3 (Aug 12)

God Is Loving & Faithful

Backgrounder on Hosea 1-3:
To the nation of Israel, a land
steeped in idolatry, God sends
the prophet Hosea. Just as God
foretold, Gomer deserts her
husband for other lovers-a graphic
depiction of Israel’s faithlessness
in response to God’s loyal love.
When Gomer sinks to the level
of a slave, Hosea is commanded
to buy her back, for she is still
his wife. In the same way the God
of Israel pledges His continuing
love for His people, even though
their spiritual adultery will result
in captivity and enslavement.

Lord, You are Loving & Faithful:
I will Fence her in with thornbushes.
I will block the road to make her
lose her way. When she runs
after her lovers, she won’t be
able to catch up with them….
Then she will say: I will Return to
my first husband for then it was
better for me than now (Hos 2:6-7)
I Will Win her back once again…
I will… speak tenderly to her there…
I will make you my wife forever…
I Will Be Faithful to you and
make you mine (H2:14, 19-20).
The Lord said to me (Hosea):
Go, show your love to your wife
again, though she is loved by
another and is an adulteress.
Love her as the Lord loves
the Israelites, though they turn
to other gods (Hosea 3:1).

Lord, build a Hedge of thorns to
separate friends and loved ones
from influence not ordained by You.
I pray that those who are a bad
influence will lose interest,
and that my loved one would
lose interest in them as well.
May that Hedge of thorns defend
against any contact with those
who are out of Your will. Amen.

Lord, You are holy and want us to
walk straight and narrow paths.
For loved ones who don’t have
the wisdom to see destructive
path or the discipline to keep
away from it, won’t You put
a hedge of thorns around us.
And teach me to pray with faith
for nothing is impossible to You.
Help me to wait trusting You and
expect for the breakthrough. Amen.

Lord, Thank You for Your nature
to love Your people relentlessly.
And though You hate sin, You love
us & is single-minded Pursing us.
So, even when I feel unworthy,
I want to Pursue You & be with You.
I know Lord that any insecurity
in our relationship is unfounded.
And I accept the gift of restored
relationship with open arms. Amen