Adoring God In Daniel 10-12

Almighty God who is In Control

Backgrounder: Whilst the first half
of Daniel’s book centres around
the prophet’s personal adventures;
the second half focuses on his
prophetic visions. God’s people
now find themselves under Gentile
domination. But even world powers
do not rise or fall without the
consent of almighty God. In a
remarkable collection of prophetic
glimpses, Daniel sets forth both
the near and distant future of God’s
chosen people – a future filled with
purifying judgment and blessing.

Lord, we’ll Seek, Persevere & Share:
Do not be afraid Daniel. Since
the day you set your mind to gain
understanding and to humble
yourself before your God,
your words were heard… Now I
have come to make you understand
what will happen to your people
in the latter days (Daniel 10:12-14).
Those who do wickedly against
the covenant he shall corrupt
with flattery; but the people who
know their God shall Be Strong,
and carry out great exploits…
In this way, they will be refined and
cleansed and made pure until the
time of the end (Daniel 11:32-35).
Those who sleep in the earth shall
awake; some to everlasting life,
some to everlasting contempt
Those who are wise shall shine…
and those who turn many to
righteousness (be) like the stars
forever and ever (Dan 12:2-3).

Lord, help me to Seek Patiently
for the answers to my prayers.
Increase my faith to know that
when I pray, You hear the cries
of my heart and will answer in
Your perfect timing and Your
perfect way. Help me to continue
to pray and not give up, no matter
how long it takes or how many
obstacles the enemy throws in
my path along the way. Amen.

Lord, we recognise temptations
are not unique, everyone struggles.
Help me to know You so well that
I will say a Firm No to temptation.
Help me use opportunities during
difficult times to share Your Word
for it will interest those who
normally don’t bother with it.
Help me to recognise trials as
opportunities to strengthen faith.
For if we remain steadfast, we
will grow closer to You God. Amen.

Dear Lord, we note that Daniel’s
visions gave the captives added
Confidence that You God is In
Control of history. Lord, help us
Not give in to the pressures of
challenges and temptations of
the sinful way of life around us.
Lord, we appeal to Your Mercy,
for we will Wait for the Answer;
we’ll Persevere & Be Refined;
and help us share the gospel. Amen