Adoring God In Daniel 4 (Aug 7)

God Rules & Fulfils Dreams

Perhaps when you think of Daniel,
you think of a young man. But the
book of Daniel covers 70 years
in the life of this prophet of God.
Daniel was 76 years old in chap 4,
86 years in chap 5 and 93 in chap 6.
Throughout his days, Daniel’s
faith shines brightly, whether
in interpreting a king’s dream,
reading the hand-writing on the
wall, or taking a stand for his God.

Lord, You Rule & Fulfil Dreams:
I thought it good to declare
the signs and wonders that the
Most High God has worked for me.
How great are His signs, and how
mighty His wonders! His kingdom
is an everlasting kingdom, and
His dominion is from generation
to generation (Daniel 4:2-3).
As he looked out across the city,
he said: Just look at this great city
of Babylon! I by my own mighty
power have built this beautiful city…
While he was still speaking these
words, a voice called down from
heaven, O King Nebuchadnezzar,
this message is for you! You are
no longer ruler of this kingdom…
You will live in the fields with the
wild animals and you will eat grass
like a cow… until you learn that the
Most High rules over the kingdoms
of the world and gives them to
anyone He chooses (v30-32).
That very hour the word was fulfilled
concerning Nebuchadnezzar;
(for) he… ate grass like oxen (v33).

Lord, thank You that wisdom and
understanding comes fr You alone.
Grateful for reassuring that You’re
in control of every area of my life.
I confess Lord with my heart, how
great are Your signs & wonders;
and Your kingdom is everlasting.
Thank You that You are my God
and Saviour, for in You I have placed
my trust. Praise Your mighty name.

Lord, we note Nebuchadnezzar’s
prideful heart when he says:
“By my own mighty power,
I have built this beautiful city.”
We realise Lord that we can
also fall into prideful tendencies.
King of heaven, Your rule is ever-
lasting and Your kingdom eternal.
Your acts are just and You are
entitled to humble the proud; and
so humble, restore & lead us. Amen.

Lord, If drunk with sight of
power, we lose Wild tongues
that have not Thee in awe;
Boasting breeds without the law.
Lord God of hosts be with us yet,
Lest we forget, lest we forget…
Still stands Thine ancient sacrifice,
An humble and a contrite heart.
Lord God of hosts, be with us yet,
Lest we forget, lest we forget. Amen