Adoring God In Jeremiah 10 (Jul 24)

Our Maker the Great Eternal King

Idolatry and hypocrisy have
permeated every fiber of Judah’s
national life. People, prophets and
priests alike practice worthless
worship in haughty indifference.
But through Jeremiah, God delivers
a ringing indictment. Their nation
with all its outward splendour –
will be reduced to a heap of ruins
because of the people’s arrogance
and idolatry. At the thought of
Judah’s imminent divine surgery,
Jeremiah weeps unashamedly
for his hardhearted countrymen.

Praise Eternal King & Maker of all:
You are great; and Your name
is great in might, Who would
not fear You, O King… For this
is Your rightful due (Jer 10:6-7).
The Lord is the true God;
He is the living God and the
everlasting King… He has made
the earth by His power, He establish
the world by His wisdom. For He
is the Maker of all things (v10-16).
O Lord I know the way of man
is not in himself; it is not in man
who walks to direct his own steps.
O Lord correct me…
not in Your anger, lest You
bring me to nothing (v23-24).

Lord, You are great and greatly
to be praised. Great is Your power.
You have stirred our hearts so that
we take pleasure in praising You.
You have created us and our hearts
are restless until they rest in You.
Lord, we affirm Your power over
the circumstances of our life. And
since You are powerful & wise, we’ll
give You all praise and glory. Amen

Lord, I contemplate Your great
power in creating the universe.
You have indeed the power over all
the natural forces that You created.
And I could not take a breath
or be sustained upon this earth
except by Your sustaining grace.
So I praise You for Your mighty
deeds and for excellent greatness.
Let every day of my life praise You;
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Glory be to You O God the Father,
the Maker of the whole world.
Glory to You O God the Son,
the Redeemer of humankind.
Glory to You O God the Holy Spirit,
the sanctifier of Your people.
Lord, I am just work in process,
and so correct me in Your mercy.
In gratitude, I am offering You love
with my devotion; and giving You
worship with my whole life. Amen.