Reflection on Leviticus & Numbers

Adoring God thru Thanks & Praise

The purpose of Leviticus is to
serve as a handbook for priests
and Levites outlining their duties
in worship as well as a guidebook
of holy living for the Hebrews.
And Numbers tells the story of
how Israel prepared to enter the
promised land, how they sinned
and were punished, and how
they prepared to try again.

On Monday, we learn from Lev 16
that Jesus Paid It All Atoning Sins.
On Tuesday, we learn fr Lev 18/19
that Holy God Changes Us.
On Wed, we learn from Num 6
that the Lord Blesses You.
On Thursday, we learn fr Num 11
that God Cares for the Weary.
On Friday, we learn from Num 14
that the Lord Abounds In Mercy.
On Saturday, we learn fr Num 21/23
about the Lord who Keeps Promises.

Let us humble ourselves and pray
and seek His face. Help us O God
be Christ’s disciples who Adore You:
For Jesus paid it all Atoning sins.
and that Holy God Changes Us;
For Abba Father Cares for the weary
and that He Abounds in Mercy;
For the Lord loves to Bless us
and that He Keeps promises.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.