Reflection on Exodus

Adoring God thru Thanks & Praise

The purpose of Exodus is to record
the events of Israel’s deliverance from Egypt and development as
a nation. Exodus is thus the book
of redemption from bondage
to Pharaoh into a covenant
relationship with God. From Egypt
to Sinai, Israel learns of the
might and power of God and the importance of national worship.

On Monday, we learn from Ex 7
that All Sufficient God Meets Needs.
On Tuesday, we learn from Ex 9
that God Gives Purpose In Life.
On Wed, we learn from Ex 15
about Jehovah Rapha Our Healer.
On Thursday, we learn from Ex 17
that the Lord Covers & Protects.
On Friday, we learn from Ex 31
about the Lord who Sanctifies.
On Saturday, we learn from Ex 40
on Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah.

Let us humble ourselves and pray
and seek His face. Help us O God
be Christ’s disciples who adore You:
For All Sufficient God Meets Needs
and God Gives Purpose In Life;
For Jehovah Rapha is our healer,
and the Lord Covers and Protects;
For the Lord Sanctfies us and
the Great Jehovah Guides us.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.