Trusting God In Titus 3 (Nov 18)

God Desires us to do Good Works

Titus lived on Crete, and worked
among a people who had one of
the worst reputations in the world.
Paul had left Titus to oversee the
church & now writes to encourage
him in that difficult task.To promote
sound teaching and offset false
doctrines, Titus is told to appoint
& train spiritual leaders as elders.
Paul’s short letter is a summary of
Christian doctrine that emphasises
holy living and encourages all
to live worthy of the gospel.

Lord, we’ll Do Good Works:
Remind them to be subject
to authorities… to be ready for
every good work; to speak evil
of no one, to be peaceable,
gentle, showing all humility
to all men (Titus 3:1-2).
This is a faithful saying, and
these things I want you to affirm
constantly, that those who
have believed in God should be
careful to maintain good works.
These things are good
and profitable to men (v8).
Avoid foolish questions, contentions
and striving about the law. Such things are unprofitable and useless…
And let our people also learn
to maintain good works,
to meet urgent needs, that
they may not be unfruitful (v9-14).

Lord, we purpose to be submissive
to the governing authorities and
be obedient to the laws of the land.
We will be prepared to do
whatever is good and honourable.
We will be peace-loving people
who are kind and considerate
as well as display God’s own
brand of humility toward everyone.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, You saved me not because
of any works of righteousness that I
had done, but because He loves me
so much and grants me His mercy.
And having been justified by His
grace, I have been become an heir
with the assurance of eternal life.
So, I will give my all to Him and
devote myself to doing only that
which is good & profitable. Amen.

Lord, I purpose to avoid foolish
controversies, arguments and
quarrels about the Law; for such
things are unprofitable and useless.
And Lord, I purpose to live my
life productively, working hard
and doing what is good so that
You God have an avenue to bless.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.