Trusting God In 2 Thess 3 (Nov 4)

God Will Protect His Servants

In his 2nd letter to Thessalonians,
Paul commends their faithfulness
in persecution and encourages
them that present suffering
will be repaid with future glory.
Paul clarifies the Day of the Lord
had not yet arrived & recounts the
events which must take place first.
Labouring for the Gospel, rather
than lazy resignation, can be the
only proper response to such truth.

Lord, we’ll Share the Good News:
Finally brothers pray for us that
the message of the Lord may
Spread rapidly and be honoured,
just as it was with you. Pray that
we may be Delivered from evil
people, for not everyone has faith.
But the Lord is faithful, and He will
Strengthen you and Protect you
from the evil one (2Thess 3:1-3).
And we have confidence in the Lord.
that you are doing and will continue
to do the things which we charge u.
May the Lord direct your hearts
into the love of God and into
the patience of Christ (v4-5).
We… exhort through our Lord Jesus
Christ that they work in quietness…
As for you brethren, do not grow
weary in doing good (v12-13).

Lord, show us Your servants we
need to be faithful to support in
prayer as they spread Your truth.
Strengthen the hearts of those
who preach the gospel and equip
them in every way to do Your will.
Above all may Your Spirit do Your
mighty work in hearts of people so
that Your name be glorified. Amen.

Lord, may Your love and patience
constraints us to share the good
news of salvation to the lost.
Equip us Lord with the right words
at the right time, so that those
hearts are ready to be drawn to You.
We also pray for people who need
the good news, that their hearts
would Be Open to receive all
that You have for them. Amen.

Lord, help us not to be lazy in the
things of God and helping others.
Help us when we are overwhelmed
by evil beyond the realm of reason.
Help us turn to You immediately
for Your Protection and Strength.
For ultimately You will triumph
and Your name will be glorified.
Help us not be weary of doing good
but live in such a way that our faith
and lives will please You. Amen.