Trusting God In Song of Songs 1-4

God Fosters Love In Us (June 23)

Song of Songs is a wedding song
honouring marriage. The most
explicit statements on sex in the
Bible can be found in this book.
And so it has been often criticised
because of its sensuous language.
The purity and sacredness of love
represented here are greatly needed
in our day where distorted attitudes
about love and marriage abound.
God created sex and intimacy, and
they are holy & good when enjoyed
within the bounds of marriage.
A husband and wife honor God
when they love & enjoy each other.

Lord, thanks for Your gift of love
and a delight for all our senses.
Help us to Please Each Other. 
Help us to Affirm Each Other.
Help us Be Devoted to Each Other.
And in so doing, reflect the perfect
love that comes from You God.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, help us Please Each Other:
Shulamite: Kiss me again & again
for your love is sweeter than wine…
The king is lying on his couch,
enchanted by the fragrance of my
perfume. My lover is like a sachet
of myrrh lying between my breasts.
Young Man: How beautiful you
are my beloved… Young Woman:
What a lively sight you are my love.
My beloved is mine and I am
his (Song 1:1, 12-16 & 2:16).
Lord, You created love as a gift
to us & a delight for all our senses.
Help us to seek to please each
other and encourage by expressing
the beauty of our spouse. Amen.

Lord, we Commit Each Other:
Shulamite: One night as I lay in bed,
I yearned deeply for my lover, but
he did not come. So I said to myself:
I will get up now and roam the city,
searching for him in all the streets…
But my search was in vain…
A little while later I found him.
I didn’t let him go until I had brought
him to my childhood home, into
my mother’s bedroom, where
I had been conceived (Sol 3:1-4).
Lord, we are challenged by the
passion of the Shulamite woman
who went to great length to search
for her love and to hold on to him.
Pray for Christian married couples
that God will protect their vows
to each other. Pray that Christian
marriages with God’s help can be
strong & characterised by passion.
For You want marriage to stand
for commitment, communion,
faithfulness and permanency. Amen.

Lord, Help us Affirm Each Other: 
You are all fair, my love,
And there is no spot in you…
You have ravished my heart…
A garden enclosed is my sister,
my spouse… You are a garden
fountain, a well of flowing water
streaming down (Song 4:7-15).
Lord, help us communicate love
and express admiration in words
and action that enhance marriage.
Fill me afresh with Your Spirit
so that when I am with anyone,
they will sense Your presence. And 
Make me like a well of Refreshing 
water flowing out to others. Amen.