Trusting God In Eccl 4 (Jun 20)

Thank God for Best Friends

Making sense out of life isn’t easy
as the preacher of Ecclesiastes 
thinks his way through what he 
has seen and experienced in life.
Every enterprise he has undertaken
from acquiring wisdom to amassing
wealth, has ended in emptiness.
In a sudden burst of emotion the preacher realises that God indeed
appoint the times & purposes of life.
But his insight fades as he focuses
on the futility of life under the sun
and overlooks the One who alone can put life into a meaningful whole.

Lord, thank You for Threefold Cord:
Two people can accomplish more
than twice as much as one; they
get a better return for their labour.
If one person fall, the other
can reach out and help…
And on a cold night, two under
the same blanket can get
warm from each other.
But how can one be warm alone?
Though one may be overpowered
by another, two can withstand him.
And a threefold cord cord is not
quickly broken (Eccl 4:9-12) Amen

Father God, we give thanks for
those who mean so much to us.
Those with whom we can talk and
keep nothing back, knowing they wont laugh at our dreams & failures.
Those who by their warning held us
from mistakes we might have made.
Above all we thank for Jesus Christ
Lord of our hearts and Saviour of our souls, in whose name we pray. Amen

Lord, I thank You for the friends
You have brought into my life.
For those who bring joy & laughter.
For those who bring insight to me.
For those who bring comfort & care
For those who bring inspiration
to be what You created me to be.
For those who pushed me to be
more than I would have been
without their encouragement.
And thank You God, the ultimate
giver of all good things. Amen.

Lord, grant that my spouse and I
may have understanding love for
each other and be filled with trust.
Grant us Lord the grace to live with
each other in peace and harmony.
May we bear each weaknesses and
grow from each other’s strengths.
Help us forgive each other’s failings
and grant us patience and kindness.
May the love that brought us together grow steadily over time
and bring us closer to You. Amen.