Trusting God In Psalm 71 (May 12)

God Delivers & Save Us

Book 2 Psalms (42-72) is similar to
Exodus sharing Israel’s deliverance.
These psalms help us worship God,
pray for deliverance, confess sin
and encourage us to Trust God. And
in today’s psalms, David & Solomon
show God is Worthy of Praise for
His judgments (67), provision (68),
attentiveness to cries (69-70),
strength to the weak (71) and
sovereignty over the nations (72).

Lord, we’ll Testify Your Goodness:
In You O Lord I put my trust…
Deliver me in Your righteousness…
Incline Your ear to me & save me.
Be my strong refuge… for You are
My rock and my fortress (Ps 71:1-3)      Do not cast me off in the time
of old age; do not forsake me
when my strength fails… For
my enemies speak against me;
and… take counsel together,
saying: God has forsaken him…
O God, do not be far from me…
make haste to help me (v9-12).
I will hope continually, and I will
praise You yet more and more.
I will proclaim Your saving power…
I will praise Your mighty deeds,
O Sovereign Lord. I will tell
everyone that You alone are just
and good. O God, I’ve constantly
told others about the wonderful
things You do (Ps 71:14-17).

Lord, be my strong refuge,
to which I may resort continually.
You have given the commitment
to save me, for You are my rock,
my fortress and my salvation.
Deliver me O God out of my
distresses & out of the unrighteous.
For You are my hope and
In You Lord I put my trust. Amen.

Lord, when hope seems lost
and it seems that You God has
forsaken me, I will not lose faith.
When my adversaries take counsel
for my destruction, thinking
that I am alone and without help,
surely You will rise to my defense.
When they plot my ruin, You God
makes haste to rescue me. Amen.

Lord, in Your goodness & mercy,
I ask for Your speedy deliverance.
And let me proclaim all the wonderful things You have done;
Your saving power & mighty deeds.
Thank You for Your faithfulness in
my life through the troubles and joy.
Lord, You are absolutely good and
I purpose to be devoted to You.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.