Reflection on Minor Prophets (Oct 9)

Seeking God thru Biblical Prayers

The books of the minor prophets
are rich in God’s lovingkindness,
grace, and mercy, and can teach us
how to wait for “the day of the Lord.”
On Monday, we learn from Hosea 2
that God Loves and Cares for us.
On Tuesday, we learn from Joel 2
that God Restores Past Loses.
On Wed, we learn from Jonah 3/4
that God Is Compassionate to us.
On Thursday, we learn from Micah 7
that God Shows Unfailing Love.
On Friday, we learn from Hab 2/3
that God Keeps His Promises.
On Saturday, we learn from Malachi 3
on God Refines and Purifies us.
Let us humble ourselves and pray
and seek His face. Help us O God
to be disciples who purpose to
be grateful and obedient to You;
for You are loving & compassionate,
for You refine and purifies us, and
for You restore and fulfil promises.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.