Reflection on Job (June 12)

Seeking God thru Biblical Prayers

The purpose of the book of Job is
to demonstrate God’s sovereignty
and the meaning of true faith.
It also addresses the question:
“Why do the righteous suffer?”
This week we see the importance of
Trusting All Knowing & Almighty God.
On Monday, we learn from Job 1/2
on Praising God in Tough Times.
On Tues, we learn from Job 7 on
Knowing Merciful God Is With Us.
On Wed, we learn from Job 16-19
on Trusting Our God In Control.
On Thursday, we learn from
Job 23 on Prayer for Fair Trial.
On Friday, we learn from Job 38
on Trusting God Know Best.
On Sat, we learn from Job 40/42
on Trusting the Almighty God.
Let us humble ourselves and pray
and seek His face… In Jesus’ name.