Reflection on Ex 1-14 (Jan 23)

Seeking God thru Biblical Prayers

The purpose of Exodus is to record
the events of Israel’s deliverance
from Egypt and devt as a nation.
This week we seek God through
different ways of imploring Him.
On Mon, we learn from Ex 1/2
about Prayer as a Groan.
On Tuesday, we learn from Ex 3
about Prayer as a Dialogue.
On Wed, we learn from Exodus 4
about Prayer of Excuses Unwise.
On Thur, we learn from Ex 5-7
about Prayer as a Complaint.
On Friday, we learn from Ex 9-10
about Prayer in Alliance with God.
On Saturday, we learn from Ex 14
about Prayer, Listening & Action.
Let us humble ourselves and pray
and seek His face…In Jesus’ name.