Reflection on John (Dec 5)

Knowing God thru His Shepherding

The purpose of gospel acc to John
is to prove conclusively that Jesus
is the Son of God and that all who
believe in Him will have eternal life.
This week we understand God better
thru seeing His Shepherding Ways.
On Monday, we learn from Jn 3
that God so Loved that He Gave.
On Tuesday, we learn from Jn 5
that Christ Follows the Father.
On Wed, we learn from John 10
that Christ is the Good Shepherd.
On Thursday, we learn from Jn 13
that Christ Models Caring Love.
On Friday, we learn from John 15
that Christ Invites to Abide In Him.
On Sat, we learn from John 17
that Christ Prays for Our Unity.
Let us humble ourselves and pray
and seek His face…In Jesus’ name.