Meditating 2 Peter 1 (Aug 28)

Growing In Grace of the Lord

Peter’s first letter taught his readers
to persevere through persecution
and other external trials with hope.
His second letter, written to the
same audience, teaches them to
oppose internal spiritual struggles
and attacks by Satan with the
knowledge of the truth. Peter warns
against apostasy within the church,
moral perversions that tempt
on every side, and the denial of
Christ’s return that false teachers
propagate. He exhorts his readers
to Grow In Grace and knowledge
that come through Jesus Christ,
thereby gaining strength to
resist error and avoid heresy.

Father, apostle Peter exhorts us
to be diligent in Christian Growth.
It begins with faith and culminates
in love for others. To keep growing,
we need to know God, keep on
following Him and remember
what Christ has taught us.
Lord in Your Grace help us be
diligent in faithful obedience.
And we claim Your promises:
that You Enable Godly Living;
that You Enable Self-Control;
that You Enable Knowing Truth.
In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.

Lord, You Enable Godly Living:
By His divine power, God has given
us everything we need for living
a godly life. We have received
all of this by coming to know Him,
the one who called us to Himself
by means of His marvellous glory
and excellence. He has given us
great & precious promises. These
are the promises that enable you to
share His divine nature (2Pet 1:3-4)
Lord Jesus, exercise Your divine
power within me. Teach me how
to tap into Your limitless supply
so that I will not find myself
lacking in anything that You offer.
Holy Spirit, fill me continually and
be present within me; for I want
to experience You more than I do.
Increase the evidence of Your
presence in my life; so that I can
become a clear demonstration of
Your goodness & who U are. Amen

Lord, You Enable Self-Control:
For this very reason, giving
all diligence, all to your faith,
virtue, to virtue knowledge,
to knowledge self-control,
to self-control perseverance,
to perseverance godliness,
to godliness brotherly kindness,
to brotherly kindness love (v5-7).
Lord, Thank You for the fruit of
self-control that the Holy Spirit
grows in us. Help me Lord to respond
to life frustrations and challenges
with self-control that You give me.
And godly self-control will lead
to patient endurance, godliness,
brotherly kindness and love. Amen.

Lord, You Enable Knowing Truth:
We also have the prophetic message
as something completely reliable,
and you will do well to pay
attention to it (2 Peter 1:19).
No prophecy in Scripture ever
came from the prophet’s own
understanding, or from human
initiatives. No, those prophets
were moved by the Holy Spirit,
and they spoke from God (v20-21).
Lord, who can grasp Your thoughts
unless You enable, inspire and
interpret. For my intellect and
experiences are not enough.
Lord, I need the wisdom of Your
Spirit as I read and meditate.
Unveil Your truth Lord to me,
in me and through me. Amen.