Meditating 2Cor 6-9 (May 15)

God Empowers & Encourages

Paul has defended his ministry
as an ambassador for Christ
by showing how individuals can
be reconciled to a living God.
This leads Paul to plead with the
Corinthians to be reconciled to him
as their spiritual father and to love
him in the same way he loves them.
He also appeals to the Corinthians
to follow the example set by the
churches of Macedonia in generous,
sacrificial giving – a reasonable
response to God’s indescribable
gift in the person of His Son.

Lord, You empower, encourage
and give surpassing grace:
As servants of God we commend
ourselves in every way:
in great endurance; in troubles, hardships and distresses…
in truthful speech and in
the power of God; with weapons
of righteousness (2Cor 6:4,7)
When we came into Macedonia,
we had no rest but we were
harassed at every turn – conflicts
on the outside, fears within.
But God who comforts the
downcast, comforted us by
the coming of Titus (2Cor 7:5).
And in their prayers for you
their hearts will go out to you,
because of the surpassing grace
God has given you (2Cor 9:14).

Lord, thank You for forgiving
my sin and reconciling me.
You have given the gospel to me
so that I might share it to others.
Help me Lord to see beyond my
problems to my real purpose
which is to build Your kingdom.
Give me creativity in using my
struggles to speak for You. Amen.

Father, thank You for the portions
of Your Word that give me insights into the saints of old.
They were regular people just
like me in need of grace, strength
and help. Like Paul, I battle
discouragement. I praise You
for being the encourager of those
who are discouraged. Help me
Lord find a renewed sense of
confidence in You this day. Amen.

Lord, there are certain people
I want to pray for because I know
You will give me Your heart
of love for them. Help me to
pray also for the people who
have hurt me. Thank You that
praying for others not only
changes their lives, but it
changes mine as well. Amen.