Adoring God In Romans 1 (Sep 16)

God Releases Power In Gospel.                  (Christ for the World We Sing)

In his introductory greeting to
the believers in Rome, the apostle
Paul begins his legal brief by
describing the helpless condition
of humanity. A rebellious nature
has led to rejection of the Creator
and worship of the creation.
God in turn has permitted the
sinful nature of human beings
to express the fullness of its
corruption and the whole human
race stands helpless before God.
Truly, all have sinned and
come short of the glory of God.
But the gift of God is eternal life
in Christ Jesus our Lord!!

Samuel Wolcott wanted to be
missionary in Syria, but after 2 years
there he had to return to America.
While attending a YMCA convention
in Cleveland, he was captivated
by a huge banner with the words:
“Christ for the World and the
World for Christ”. As Wolcott left
the meeting, the words for this
hymn took shape in his mind;
inspired also by Romans 1:16-17.
Wolcott learned that the “world”
for whom Christ died included
not only distant lands like Syria
where he had tried to serve,
but also the poor, the burdened,
the lost, sorrow-worn in needy
places where he ministered.

Lord, we will Share the Gospel:
The gospel promises beforehand
through His prophets… regarding
His Son… who through the Spirit…
was declared to be the Son of God,
by His resurrection from the dead
Jesus Christ our Lord (Rom 1:2-4).
I want you to know… that I planned
many times to visit you… So, I am
eager to come to you in Rome too
to preach God’s Good News(v13-15)
For I am not ashamed of the gospel
of Christ, for it is the power of God
to salvation for everyone who
believes… For in it the righteousness
of God is revealed from faith to faith;
as it is written: The just shall
live by faith (Romans 1:16-17).

Heavenly Father, You sent Jesus
into this world so that through Him
we have been declared righteous
and that we can be freed from sin.
Enlarge our appreciation & affection
for Christ Jesus and Your gospel.
Let the good news of righteousness
provided to us in Christ transform
our interactions and expectations.
And work in us Lord through the
good news of Your grace toward
those who yet to know You. Amen.

Lord, we have treasure in Your
gospel which does for us what
we cannot possibly accomplish.
What You Christ has done means
that my sins have been forgiven,
that I’ve right standing with God;
and that God is at work to produce
the righteous life He desires.
Deepen my gratitude to You so that
I live worthy of the gospel. Amen.

Lord Jesus, we thank You for the
gospel that enables us to receive
forgiveness & have peace with God.
Help us look at others through
Christ’s eyes; for You seek and
reach out to the spiritually poor.
Help us sow deeds of kindness
and share the gospel to the lost.
Help us live out the message:
Christ for the world we live! Amen.

Christ for the world we sing;
The world to Christ we bring
With loving zeal —
The poor and them that mourns,
The faint and over-borne,
Sin-sick and sorrow-worn,
For Christ to heal…
Christ for the world we sing;
The world to Christ we bring
With fervent prayer —
The wayward and the lost,
Reclaimed from error’s lot,
Redeemed at countless cost
From dark despair. Amen.

Thought for the Week: Acts 17

Almighty God Always Near Us;              Inspiring God of Earth, Sky & Sea

Paul’s second missionary journey begins with a new companion-Silas. The team soon doubles in size as Timothy and Luke areadded. Initially given a warm reception in Philippi, Paul & Silas soon experience flogging and imprisonment for disrupting the profitable soothsaying business. But God uses even this to bring a jailer and his family to salvation.

American clergyman & hymn writer
Samuel Longfellow (1819-1892),
brother of the famous poet Henry
Longfellow, loved the seashore.
He once compiled a book called
Thalatta, including all the charming
bits of poetry in the language
about the sea and the seashore.
Like many of the psalms, this hymn
praises God for His involvement
in nature. Paul in Acts 17 wrote: the
invisible qualities of God are clearly
seen in what God has created.
Longfellow echoes Paul’s message
here. For God’s love and power are
clearly seen in the events of nature.

Lord, You Are Always Near Us:
He is the God who made the world
and everything in it… From one man
He created the nations throughout
the whole earth. God decided
beforehand when (nations) should
rise and fall, and He determines
their boundaries (Acts 17:24-26).
His Purpose in all of this was that
the nations should Seek After God
and perhaps feel their way towards
Him and find Him – though He Is
Not Far from any one of us (v27).
For In Him We Live and move
and have our being… For we
are also His offspring (v28).

Lord, help us to live with a strong
sense of purpose; and be open
to Your Purpose You have for us.
Help us to slow down enough
to see opportunities; not just big
things but also in everyday things.
Help me to be sensitive to people
and their needs; and be willing
to be Your hands & feet to them.
Help me Lord fulfill the spiritual
assignment You have for me. Amen.

Lord, You may seem nearer to us
when we seek & draw near to You.
But the reality and today’s passage
remind us You are always Near us.
Help me Lord notice Your Presence
in every situation, watching over me.
Praise You Lord for being Provider,
Guide, Shield, Healer and Comforter.
Even when it seems You’re far away,
You are in reality Nearby. Amen.

Lord, we want You to be the one
In Whom We Live & have our being.
We want to hear Your voice Lord,
above all other voices in our lives.
But we get bogged down in routine
and things that want our attention.
And we relegate You to Sundays and
times when we need Your rescue.
Lord, with all our human failings,
help us recognize Your presence.
Challenge, inspire and make us into
the people You want us to be. Amen.

God of the earth, the sky, the sea,
Maker of all above below,
Creation lives and moves in Thee,
Thy present life thru all doth flow…
Thy love is in the sunshine’s glow,
Thy life is in the quickening air;
When lightnings flash & storm blow,
There’s Thy power; Thy law is there..
We feel Thy calm at evening’s hour,
Thy grandeur in the march of night;
When the morning breaks in power,
We hear Thy word:Let there be light!