Adoring God In Daniel 2 (Aug 5)

God Reveals Deep Things

The first 3 chapters of the book
describe the spiritual integrity
of Daniel and his three friends.
Selected for government service,
they resist the pressure to conform
to their pagan environment and
instead take a stand for God.
Whether in diet, truthfulness or
spiritual discipline, the four young
men live out their convictions.

Lord, grant us Your Revelation:
During the Night the mystery
was revealed to Daniel in a vision.
Then Daniel said: Praise be the
name of God… For wisdom and
might are His (Daniel 2:19-20).
He Reveals deep and mysterious
things and knows what lies Hidden
in darkness… I thank and praise You
for You have given me Wisdom and
strength. You have told me what
we Asked of You and Revealed to us
what the king demanded (v22-23).
The king answered Daniel and said:
Truly your God is the God of gods,
the Lord of kings and a Revealer
of secrets, since you could reveal
this secret. Then the king promoted
Daniel… gave him many great gifts;
and he made him ruler over the
whole province of Babylon (v47-48).

Lord, it seems that in the middle of
the night problems appear larger.
At those times I am reminded that
You never sleep and I can come
to You and cling to Your presence.
I pray that at those times You will
give me the treasures of darkness,
as You have spoken in Your Word.
I pray You will fill my darkness with
Your light and give me peace. Amen.

Lord, I praise Your mighty name
for You are the God who has
all wisdom and power, the One
who guides even world events.
You give wisdom to the wise
and You know what is hidden
in darkness and all mysteries.
Grant me O Lord Your wisdom
and strength to handle the tricky
issues that come my way. Amen.

Lord, we purpose not to lean on
our own understanding; but instead
to look to You the All Knowing One
for understanding and wisdom.
There are things we can’t know by
seeing or hearing are known by God
& You’re willing to reveal them to us.
For Your Spirit searches all things &
shows secrets to those who love U.
Reveal to us O Lord those things
which help us be effective. Amen.

Thought for the Week: Ezekiel 36

God Moves Us in the Spirit

Ezekiel’s emphasis shifts from
the failures of Judah’s past to
the Promises of Judah’s future.
Jerusalem has fallen, and the
prophet’s tongue silenced for three
years is loosened at last to declare
that a new Shepherd is coming.
He will tenderly care for the flock
of Israel, rescue His people from
their scattered homes of exile and
restore them to their covenant land.

Lord, we’ll Move in the Spirit:
I will sanctify My great name…
which you have profaned (among
the nations) and (they) shall know
that I am the Lord… when I am
hallowed in you before their eyes.
For I will take you from among
the nations… and bring you into
your own land (Ezek 36:23-24).
I will give you a new heart and
I will put a new spirit within you;
I will take the heart of stone out
and give you a heart of flesh.
And I will put My Spirit in you and
Move You to follow my decrees
and be careful to keep my laws…
(And) I will deliver you from
all your uncleanness (v26-29).
And I will multiply the fruit of
your trees… so that you need
never again bear the reproach
of famine among the nations (v30).

Lord, take away everything in my
heart that is not right before You.
Help me to get rid of bad attitudes
and wrong thinking. Show me
anything that has taken root in
my heart that should not be there
so that I can free myself of it.
Help me clear the slate and
begin again with a right spirit.
Fill me with Your desires and
everything that pleases You. Amen

Father God, Thank You that You
have put Your Holy Spirit within
me to Guide me in all things.
Lead me Lord by the power of
Your Spirit so that I will obey
Your Word and Follow Your laws.
Give me Lord the discipline
I need to do what I must do.
Help me to Follow Your leading
and not run ahead or behind
chasing after my own ways. Amen.

Lord, sometimes our Christian
life can be a struggle when
we go through bad times.
But thanks that You God is
in the business of making life
better for us on the inside.
Thank You for the promise
to help us clean up our act.
Help us get to where You want us
to be & help us be fruitful. Amen.