Adoring God In Ezekiel 11 (July 30)

God Gives You A New Heart

Backgrounder on Ezekiel 7-11:
In a series of visions, Ezekiel
foresees the what, why and how
of God’s judgment upon Judah.
The What: total destruction of
Jerusalem and the departure
of God’s glory from the temple.
The Why: generations of idolatry,
wickedness & spiritual indifference.
The How: through the cruel Baby-
lonians, God’s agents of judgment.
But the harshness of the sentence
is tempered by a tender reminder:
A remnant will survive, receive
sanctuary in a foreign country
and return to the Land of Promise.

Lord, Thank You for New Heart:
Tell the exiles, this is what the
Sovereign Lord says: Although
I’ve scattered you in the countries
of the world, I will be a Sanctuary
to you during your time in exile…
I will gather you… and give you
the land of Israel (Ezek 11:16-17).
I will give them an undivided Heart
and put a new spirit in them;
I will remove from them their
heart of stone and give them
a Heart of Flesh… Then they
will truly be my people, and
I will be their God (v19-20).
But as for those who long for idols,
I will repay them fully for their sins,
says the Sovereign Lord (v21).

Lord, thank You for Your promise
that You will be a Santuary to us
in tough times & grateful You are
always my home and my refuge.
Thank You for the promise of
Your Presence & Help in Psa 139.
Indeed I can never get away from
Your Presence; Your powerful
hand will guide me and Your
strength will support me. Amen.

Lord, make my heart be undivided
and take away hardheartedness
in me. Fill me Lord with Your love;
and help me to keep my heart
from wandering away from You.
I invite You to take charge of my
mind & emotions; and help me
to give complete control to You.
Light a flame of desire for You
and truly be Your people. Amen.

Lord, thank You that when we
become Christians, You did a
miracle by making us new inside.
You took out the hard cold hearts
and put in compassion to enable us
to serve, do good and help others.
Help us to have an ear for those
who need counsel or a kind word.
Help us to give practical helps
when someone has a real need.
Help us to intercede for people
in trouble or needs healing. Amen.