Reflection on Isaiah (July 21)

Adoring God thru Thanks & Praise

The purpose of the prophetic book
of Isaiah is to call the nation of
Judah back to God and to tell of
God’s salvation thru the Messiah.
The 27 chapters in the second half
of Isaiah generally bring a message
of forgiveness, comfort and hope.
This message of hope looks forward
to the coming of the Messiah more
than does any other OT prophet.
He describes the Mesiah as both a
suffering servant & sovereign Lord.

On Mon, we learn from Isa 40 that
God Comforts & Renews Strength.
On Tues, we learn from Isaiah 43
that God Makes Way Through Trial.
On Wed, we learn from Isaiah 46
that God Cares and Sustains Us.
On Thurs, we learn from Isaiah 53
that My Saviour Bleeds at the Cross.
On Friday, we learn from Isaiah 58
that Great Jehovah Guides Me.
On Saturday, we learn from Isa 61
that God Turns Ashes to Beauty.

Let us humble ourselves and pray
and seek His face. Help us O God
be Christ’s disciples who Adore You:
For You are worthy of our Praise
as Our Saviour Bleeds at the Cross
as well as Comforts & Strengthens;
For You are Worthy of our Thanks
as You Make Way through Trial
as well as Cares & Sustains Us;
For You Great Jehovah Guides Me
and that God Turns Ashes to Beauty.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.