Adoring God In Isaiah 43 (July 16)

God Makes Way Through Trial

The book of Isaiah has been likened
to a miniature Bible, its 66 chapters
paralleling the 66 books of Bible.
The first 39 chapters of Isaiah,
like the 39 books of OT proclaim
judgment upon sinful mankind.
God’s patience is great, but He
will not allow persistent sin go not
punished. The final 27 chapters of
Isaiah, like the 27 books of the NT,
proclaim a message of comfort
and hope. The Messiah is coming
to be the Saviour of sinful people.

Lord, You are With Us through Trial:
Do not fear, for I’ve redeemed you;
I have summoned you; you are mine.
When you go thru deep waters
and great trouble, I Will Be With you.
When you go through rivers of
difficulty, you will not drown!…
For I am the Lord your God…
your Savior (Isaiah 43:1-3).
Besides Me there is no saviour…
I have declared and saved…
Therefore you are My witnesses
says the LORD that I am God…
No one can snatch anyone
out of My hand (v11-13).
Behold I will do a new thing…
I will even made a road in the
wilderness & rivers in the desert…
I provide water in the desert and
streams in the wasteland, to give
drink to my people… that they
may Proclaim My Praise (v19-21).

Lord, thank You for Your promises
of presence, deliverance and
protection. Because You’ve said:
“I Will Be With you”, what have
I to fear? Help me to trust in You,
not only in the small details of life,
but also in times of great trouble.
For You are not only my Lord and
my God, You are indeed also my
Deliverer and my Savior. Amen.

Lord, Your Word says You are
with me in times of great trouble.
Help me hang on to Your promise
even when I cannot sense Your
presence. For nothing and no one
can altar Your declaration to save.
Give me strength to pass through
my trials and ultimately triumph so
that I will give witness Your power &
that Your name be glorified. Amen.

Lord, thank You for making a way
where there seems to be no way.
And grant Lord for You to do a new
thing to pave way to fulfilled prayer.
I Praise You for who You are and
for all You have done in my life.
Help me live every day with praise
and thanksgiving in my heart.
For my greatest calling on earth is
to worship and glorify You. Amen.