Adoring God In Isaiah 7 (July 10)

Immanual God With Us

Isaiah’s national call for repentance
is so urgent that even his personal
call and commission to prophetic
office must wait until chapter 6.
The task set before Isaiah is an
unenviable one, for God promises
from the start that the people will
be spiritually deaf & nearsighted.
But armed with confidence in his
Immanuel, Isaiah begins to declare
harsh words from on high in the
courts and palaces of Judah.

All Praise be to Immanuel:
The Lord spoke again to Ahaz
saying: Ask a sign for yourself
from the Lord your God…
Then Isaiah said: Hear now, you
house of David! Is it not enough
to try the patience of men?
Will you try the patience of my
God also? Therefore the Lord
Himself will give you a sign:
Behold, a virgin will be with child
and bear a son, and she will call
his name Immanuel (Isa 7:10-14)

Lord, forgive us for seeking signs
as indications of Your direction
and as a basis for our faith in You.
We realize that You God intends
to nurture in us a faith and a trust
that don’t require external support.
Help us develop the kind of faith
that rests solely on Your character,
especially that of your Faithfulness.
But Lord in Your tender mercies,
please do not test us beyond
what we are able to bear. Amen.

Lord Immanuel, God with us.
The perfect being – the Creator of
all things, chose to dwell among us.
Lord, You are fully God but also
fully man & You took on the sin of
all humanity to offer us salvation.
You the Lord of lords and the King
of kings – the humble King,
who came to reveal the heart and
character of Father to us. Amen.

Lord ,strengthen Your followers
to live lives that reflect Your glory
& point people to U as God with us.
May Your name spread in such
a way as to draw people to You.
May we experience You more
fully and intimately each day.
May You not be to us a distant God,
but truly know You as God with us.
And May I know You as Immanuel,
God with me. In Jesus’ name. Amen