Adoring God In Ecclesiastes 5

Thank God for Work & Retirement

Making sense out of life isn’t easy
as the preacher of Ecclesiastes
thinks his way through what he
has seen and experienced in life.
Every enterprise he has undertaken
from acquiring wisdom to amassing
wealth, has ended in emptiness.
In a sudden burst of emotion the
preacher realises that God indeed
appoint the times & purposes of life.
But his insight fades as he focuses
on the futility of life under the sun
and overlooks the One who alone
can put life into a meaningful whole.

Lord, we give thanks in all things:
Every man should eat & drink and
enjoy the good of all his labour
it is the gift of God (Eccl 3:13).
Do not be rash with your mouth…
Let your words be few…
When you make a vow to God,
do not delay to pay it (Ecc 5:2-4).
It is good and fitting… to enjoy
the good of all his labour in which
he tolls under the sun all the days
of his life which God gives him…
As for every man to whom God
has given… wealth, and rejoice
in his labour – this is the gift of God
For… God keeps him busy with
the joy of his heart (Eccl 5:18-20).

Lord thank You for blessing us
with work in this disruptive age.
Grant us divine wisdom & strength
to solve problems that may crop up.
Help us whatever we do at work that
we do it with all our heart unto You.
May the work we do and the way
we do it bring smile to all we come
in contact with and bring You glory.
Grant us grace at work and ministry.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, Thank You for the gift of
weekend when we can recreate.
Thanks for leave & season where
we are not assigned many tasks
and that’s Your gift of rest to us.
And thanks in times of weariness,
we can find Rest & Strength in You.
For in returning we shall be saved
& in quietness shall be our strength.
And guard our mouth O God and
prompt us to keep our vows. Amen.

Lord, thank You for the opportunity
to step aside from the hustle and
bustle of work and the opportunity
to enjoy a slower pace of life.
Thank You for the blessing through
my working career and pray for 
continued favour in retirement.
May I live the rest of my days in
close fellowship with You Lord
even as I purpose to do Your will.
Open new horizons to serve You
in ways that will bless many and
bring glory to Your name. Amen.