Thought for the Week: Psalm 136

God Loves Us Enduringly

Sometimes it’s easy to praise God
by recalling the past (Ps 135-136).
At other times memories of the past
produce more pain than praise (137).
But even times of trouble can be
cause for Praise to God (Ps 138).
This is so as you meditate about
the unceasing presence of Your
omnipotent God (Psalm 139).

Lord, we’ll Revere In Your Love:
Oh give thanks to the Lord,
for He is good! Oh give thanks
to the God of gods! For His mercy
endures forever (Ps 136:1-2).
To Him who alone does grt wonders.
For His mercies endures forever…
To Him who laid out the earth
above the waters, For His
mercy endures forever (v4-6).
Who remembered us in our lowly
state,for His mercy endures forever.
And rescued us from our enemies,
for His mercy endures forever;
Who gives food to all flesh,
for His mercy endures forever.
O give thanks to the God of heaven!
For His mercy endures (v23-26).

Lord, we’re grateful for Yr Goodness
as well as faithful love towards us.
Were it not for Your faithful love,
we will have no hope. We see in
Psalm 136 Your love in the rescue
of redemption, the rest of provision,
and the warm of being remembered.
Your faithful love endures forever.
Let us Lord never lose sight of Your
great enduring love for us. Amen.

Lord, nothing can stop You from
loving me; for Your love can work
Wonders thru situation these days;
just as Your faithful love carried
Your people Israel in days of old.
Lord, I can trust Your love today,
tomorrow and for the rest of my life
Thank You that Your love endures
forever. In Jesus’ mighty name.

Lord, You remember us in our lowly
state, and are waiting to show love
and compassion to Your people.
You are the loving and faithful God;
why should I look elsewhere for help.
Strengthen my faith in You even as
I wait for Your deliverance in my life.
Lord, I will Revere In Your Love;
I will Abide In Your Presence and
I will Hold to Your Promises. Amen.