Thought for the Week: Psalm 119

God’s Word Provides Direction

Psalm 119 is the longest psalm
and the longest chapter of
the longest book in the Bible.
And through its 176 verses,
it provides the multifaceted
Word of God. And it also inspired
Amy Grant & Michael Smith to write
the hymnal song ‘Thy Word’ in 1984.
Michael came up with the melody &
some words for the chorus straight
from David’s Psalm about being
a light into my path. But as Michael
had no idea what the verses were
supposed to say, he gave it to
Amy and told her to finish the tune.
So that night she starts walking
back to her cabin,” Michael said.
Caribou Ranch is 8,000 acre and
it’s very dark, and she got lost.
“She finally saw a lamp & started
walking towards that light, didn’t
realize that that was her cabin.”
“And she walked into that little cabin
and wrote the verses to ‘Thy Word.’”

Lord, Your Word Directs Our Path:
How can a man cleanse his way?
By taking heed according to
Your Word. With my whole heart
I have sought You. Oh let me not
wonder from Yr commandments.
Your Word I have hidden
in my heart that I might not sin
against You (Psalm 119:9-11).
Be good to your servant, that
I may live and obey Your Word.
Open My Eyes to see wonderful
truths in Yr instructions (v17-18).
Your Word is a lamp for my feet
and a Light for my Path. I have…
confirmed that I will keep Your
righteous (laws). I am afflicted
very muvh; Revive me O Lord
according to Your Word (v105-7).

Lord, even as I Hide Your Word in
my heart, help me Keep From Sin.
Grant me the wisdom to seek You
and to hide Your Word in my heart.
Grant me discernment to apply
Your truth to everyday situations.
Grant me the perseverance and
faith to trust Your Word when l am
going through difficult times. Amen.

Lord, Open our eyes and grant us
wisdom to see and understand
the wonderful truths in Your law.
Help us not take Your Word for
granted; but instead help us
to meditate on it day and night.
Lord, may the hymn: “Open my
eyes and let me see” spur me to
be watchful & listen to Your Spirit.
And then proceed to go act
on what I have seen and heard,
and sharing it with others. Amen.

Lord, we thank You that Your
Word lights the path at our feet
so that we don’t have to wander
in the wilderness. Thank You that
Yr Word acts as spiritual compass
to guide and direct our paths.
Help us to remember that we
can always count on Your Word
to guide, lead and keep us on
the right track. Thanks to You Lord
for Your wonderful Word. Amen.

Reflection on Psalms 107-127

Adoring God thru Thanks & Praise

Psalms Book Five (107 to 150)
mainly written by David is similar
to the book of Deuteronomy.
Just as Deuteronomy touches on
God & His Word, these psalms are
anthems of praise and thanksgiving
for God and His Word. Most of
the psalms were originally set
to music and used in worship.
We can use these psalms today
as were used in the past, as a
hymnbook of praise and worship.
This is a book that ought to make
our hearts adore & sing to the Lord.

On Monday, we learn from Ps 108/9
to Praise God Faithful & Merciful.
On Tuesday, we learn from Ps 118
that the Lord Backs and Helps us.
On Wed, we learn from Psalm 119
that God’s Word Provides Direction.
On Thursday we learn from Ps 121
that God Helps and Protects us.
On Friday, we learn from Ps 126
that God Restores His People.
On Saturday, we learn from Ps 127
that God Builds and Gives Rest.

Let us humble ourselves and pray
and seek His face. Help us O God
be Christ’s disciples who Adore You:
For You are worthy of our Praise
as You are Faithful and Merciful;
For You are worthy of our Thanks
as You Help, Direct & Protect us;
For You Restore Your People
as well as Build and Give Rest.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.