Adoring God In Psalm 79-81

God Will Come & Save You

The psalms of Asaph (Ps 73-83)
conclude with six testimonies to
the greatness and faithfulness of
the God of Israel. He has kept His
promises in the past (Ps 78) which
is a comforting reminder in the face
of an uncertain future (Ps 79-80).
God is there (Ps 81) & is not silent
(Ps 82-83) when it comes to cries
of help and overthrowing enemies.

Lord, we’ll Wait for Your Help:
How long Lord? Will You be angry
forever? Let Your compassion
quickly meet our needs, for
we are on the brink of despair.
Help us O God of our salvation!
Help us for the glory of Your name.
Save us…Why shld the nations say:
Where is their God? (Ps 79:5-10).
Restore us O God;
cause Your face to shine,
and we shall be Saved (Ps 80:3).
You Cried to me… and I Saved you…
Oh, that my people wd Listen to me!
Oh, that Israel would Follow me,
walking in my path… And I would
have satisfied you (Ps 81:7, 13-16).

Lord, we realise that You don’t
always shield Your people from
attacks of this world; for You may
have a higher purpose in mind.
Help us to endure adversity with
patience and strengthen us O God.
Remember us & we appeal to Your
compassion to meet our needs.
For we are at the brink of despair,
for You are our salvation and
for the glory of Your name, Amen.

Lord, help us not only wanting to
hear from You but to Listen to You.
Help us not to be skeptical and
passive hearers but willing listeners.
You Lord value discernment but 
You value trust even much more.
For You urge us in Your word
to walk by faith and not by sight.
Fill us Lord with boldness to
act on what we hear from You.
And You will respond to our cries
and save us. In Jesus’ name, Amen

Say to those who are fearful
-hearted Do not be afraid
The Lord your God is strong
And with His mighty arms
When you call out His name
He will come and save
He will come and save you
He will come and save you.
Say to the weary one
Your God will surely come
He will come and save you
He will come and save you
He will come and save you
Lift up your eyes to Him
You will arise again
He will come and save you.