Reflection on Psalm Book Two

On Monday, we learn from Ps 42
that God of My Life Spurs Longing.
On Tuesday, we learn from Ps 46
that God Is Our Refuge & Strength.
On Wed, we learn from Psa 48 that
the Everlasting God Guides & Leads.
On Thu, we learn from Ps 55 that
God Bears Burdens & Gives Rest.
On Friday, we learn from Psa 62
that Rock of Ages we Can Rely On.
On Sat, we learn from Psalm 70/72
that God Helps Those In Need.

Let us humble ourselves and pray
and seek His face. Help us O God
be Christ’s disciples who Adore You:
For You as God of My Life Spurs Longing; and as the Everlasting
God Guides as well as Leads me;
For You are worthy of our Praise
as You are Our Refuge & Strength
and Rock of Ages we Can Rely On.
For You are worthy of our Thanks
as You Bear Burdens & Gives Rest
and Help Those In Need. Amen.