Adoring God In Exodus 31

The Lord Who Sanctifies You

After describing the place of worship
(the tabernacle), Moses goes on
to detail the people of worship
(the priests, Israel’s representatives
before God). Everything about them
is special, from the clothing they
wear to the elaborate rituals they
perform in leading the worship
of the nation. Both they and the
implements of worship they use
need special purification as befitting
those in the service of a holy God.

Praise Jehovah Mekaddishkem:
And I, indeed I have appointed
with him Aholiab… and I have put
wisdom in the hearts of all the
gifted artisans, that they may make
all that I have commanded you.
And the Lord said to Moses,
say unto the Israelites, Truly you
shall keep my Sabbaths, for it
is a sign between Me and you
throughout your generations that
you may know that I am the LORD
Who Sanctifies you (Exo 31:6, 12-13)

Jehovah Mekaddishkem, Thank You
for making me Yours and thank You
for setting me apart to be Your own.
Sanctify me Lord in Your truth, for
Your Word is truth. May my whole
spirit and soul be kept blameless
at Your coming Lord Jesus Christ.
I praise You for You have kept me
as Your own, set apart for Your work
and sanctified to do Your will. Amen

Lord Jehovah Mekaddishkem,
remember me with grace & mercy
and ask You to show me kindness.
Forgive me for giving myself to
things that are not holy. Forgive
me for not treating as sanctified
that which You have sanctified.
And forgive me for being careless
with my thots, words and actions.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord Jehovah Mekaddishkem,
You have chosen me as Your
ambassador on earth and I will
proclaim to all that I am Yours.
Open the doors I need to go
through and close the doors that
I should not step through. Set me
apart to accomplish everything
You have chosen for me to do.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Adoring God In Exodus 17 (Jan 11)

The Lord Covers & Protects

When Israel left Egypt, there were
two things the people could do well:
make bricks and complain. And
as supplies decrease, complains
increase. When their resources
run out, God supplies manna,
quail and water in abundance to
demonstrate that He is now their
reliable source of supply. And Israel
fights & wins its first military battle.

All Praise be to Jehovah Nissi:
Now Amalek came and fought with
Israel in Rephidim. And Moses said
to Joshua: Choose some men and…
fight with Amalek…I will stand on top
of the hill with rod of God(Ex17:8-9)
So, Joshua fought with Amalek
while Moses, Aaron and Hur
went up to the top of the hill.
And so it was, when Moses held
up his hand that Israel prevailed
and when he let down his hand,
Amalek prevailed. But Moses’
hands became heavy. Aaron and
Hur supported his hands and his
hands were steady (Ex 17:10–12)
So Joshua defeated Amelek…
Then the Lord said: Write this for
a memorial… And Moses built an
altar and called its name: The LORD
Is My Banner Jehovah Nissi (v13-15)

Lord, at Rephidim we witness
the power of prayer amid the
fluctuations of the battle field.
Moses the intercessor on the
mountain came to experience
that the weaponless hand of prayer
was more powerful than the armies.
Help us Lord even as we fight
the good fight in the marketplace
that we not neglect to lift our
hands to You for help. Amen.

Lord Jehovah Nissi, I worship You
for being the banner over my life.
When I face trials and troubles,
I can look to You to cover me.
You have said that in the world
I will face tribulation but that
You have overcome the world!
Thank You for being my banner
and for helping me to move forward
and let the past be the past. Amen.

Jehovah Nissi, You are my banner;
and without You the storms of life
come upon me and overwhelm me.
You are good and You are strong;
and I ask You to help translate
that knowledge into my emotions.
Then I will feel secure and at peace
in the midst of life’s storms even as
I look to You Jehovah Nissi as my
banner and my strong arm. Amen.