Adoring God In Exodus 9

God Gives Purpose In Life

When a person will not obey God
 willingly, God will often bring to
 bear circumstances that force
 him to obey God unwillingly.
 Such is the case with reluctant
 Pharaoh of Egypt. God sends 
a series of national calamities
 to impress upon Pharaoh the
importance of obedience.

Lord, thank You for Purpose in Life:
Then the Lord said to Moses:
 Stand before Pharaoh and say
 to him: Thus says the Lord God 
of the Hebrews: Let My people
 go that they may (worship) Me…
For at this time I will send…
plagues to your very heart, and
on our servants and on your people,
that you may know that there
is none like Me in all the earth…
Indeed for this Purpose I have
 raised you up, that I may show
 My power in you, and that
My name may be declared in
 all the earth (Ex 9:13-16) Amen.

Lord, You give everyone Purpose
 for their life, incl Moses & Pharaoh
 in the deliverance of Your people.
 Grateful Lord that You not only
 gives us life but also A Purpose
 so that there’s full meaning in life.
 Apostle Paul says in Eph 2 we are
 created in Christ for Good Works
 which God prepared beforehand 
(so) that we should walk in them.
 Grant us Lord good clarity in Your
 assignment and tender obedience
 to do Your Will for your glory. Amen

Lord, guide us to Be Sensitive
 to Your voice and direction; and
 may You use us to do Your Will.
 Remind me Holy Spirit to fear the
 LORD and to serve Him faithfully;
for He’s done great things for me.
 Help me to focus attention not on
 myself but on others & what I can
 do to make a difference in them. 
And help us to act and talk with
grace, gratitude and goodness
for the glory of Your name, Amen.

Lord, I purpose to use whatever
 talents & gifts that I have received
 as well as passion to serve others
 as faithful stewards of God’s grace.
 And it is also my desire that I will
 be more caring, that my light will
 shine before others, so that they
 may see my good works and
 give glory to my Father who is
 in heaven. In Jesus’ name. Amen.