Adoring God In Genesis 2 (Jan 3)

Breathe on Me Breath of God

Edwin Hatch was a learned man
who could string together sentences
filled with many-syllable words.
After all, he was a distinguished
theologian and lecturer in ecclesiastical history at Oxford.
But when it came to expressing
his faith, Hatch was as simple as
a child. This hymn is filled with
one-syllable words and is a simple
heartfelt prayer. At man’s creation,
Jehovah (Relational) God breathed
and man became a living person
(Genesis 2:7). At our re-creation
through Jesus, the breath of God
brings spiritual life and power.

All Praise be to Jehovah:
And on the seventh day God ended
His work which He had done,
and He rested on the seventh
day from all His work which
He had done (Genesis 2:2).
This is the account of the
heavens and the earth when
they were created, in the day
that the LORD (Jehovah) God
made earth and heaven (v4).
And the Lord God formed man
of the dust of the ground, and
breathed into his nostrils the
breath of life; and man became
a living being (Genesis 2:7).

Lord, Breathe on me Breath of God
Fill me with life anew,
That I may love what Thou dost love
And do what Thou wouldst do…
Breathe on me Breath of God,
Until my heart is pure,
Until with Thee I will one will,
To do and to endure…
Breathe on me Breath of God,
Till I am wholly Thine,
Till all this earthly part of me
Glows with Thy fire divine. Amen.

Adoring God In Genesis 1 (Jan 2)

This Is My Father’s World

Maltbie Babcock was a champion
swimmer and he kept himself
in shape by running. When he was
pastor of the First Presbyterian
Church in Lockport New York,
he would run out in early morning
to the brow of the hill two miles
away and look over Lake Ontario.
Before he left, he would tell his
church staff: I am going out to see
my Father’s world. Babcock loved
athletics and nature, as well as
playing music on the organ,
piano and violin. So it was not
strange that he would write a hymn
extolling God’s handiwork in nature.

Lord, thank You for Creating Us:
Then God said: Let the waters
under the heavens be gathered…
and let the dry land appear…
Then God said: Let the earth
bring forth grass… and fruit trees…
Then God said: Let the waters
abound with living creatures
and let birds fly… (Gen 1:9-20).
Then God said: Let Us Make man
in Our Image, according to Our
likeness; let them have dominion
over all the earth… So God
created man in His own image…
male and female… Then God
blessed them and said to them:
Be fruitful and multiply; fill the
earth and subdue it (Gen 1:26-28).
Then God saw everything
that He had made, and indeed
it was Very Good (Gen 1:31).

Lord, I thank You for creating me
and because I am wonderfully
made in Your image. Thank You
that everything about me: physical
features, the way I think and my
talents is handcrafted by You.
And thanks for the opportunity
to live in this wonderful world
which is also Your creation. Amen

Lord, I acknowledge that You are
the Giver and Sustainer of my life.
Help me to cultivate a life of
thanksgiving and be constantly
aware that You’re always with me,
caring, guiding, protecting me.
I will ever be thankful for the life &
goodness You’ve blessed me with.
And as each day the Lord makes,
I’ll rejoice and be glad in it. Amen.

This is my Father’s world,
And to my listening ears
All nature sings & round me rings
The music of the spheres.
This is my Father’s world:
I rest me in the thought
Of rocks and trees, of skies & seas
His hand the wonders wrought…
This is my Father’s world,
The birds their carols raise;
In the rustling grass I hear Him pass,
He speaks to me everywhere.
This is my Father’s world:
O let me ne’re forget That though
the wrong seems oft so strong,
God Is the Ruler yet. Amen.