Reflection on Revelation (Dec 31)

Trusting God thru His Promises

The purpose of Revelation is to
reveal the full identity of Christ
and to give warning and hope
to believers. And just as the
first book of the Bible (Genesis)
provides the opening chapter
of God’s redemption program, so
the last book (Revelation) supplies
the conclusion as it describes
the return of Jesus Christ and the
creation of a new heaven & earth.

On Mon, we learn fr Rev 1 that God
Made us Priests in His Kingdom.
On Tuesday, we learn from Rev 3
that God Longs Being Close to Us.
On Wed, we learn from Rev 8-12
that God Gives Hope in Gloom.
On Thursday, we learn from Rev 15
that God Is Almighty & Marvellous.
On Friday, we learn from Rev 20
that God Promises Victory Over Evil.
On Saturday, we learn from Rev 21
that God Makes All Things New.

Let us humble ourselves and pray
and seek His face. Help us O God
be Christ’s disciples who trust You:
For You God long being close to us
and make us priests in Yr kingdom;
For You are almighty & marvellous
and give us hope in gloomy times;
For You promise ultimate victory
and You will make all things new;
And You truly keep Your promises
In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.