Trusting God In 2&3 John (Dec 23)

God Urges Living In the Truth

In 2 John, the apostle urges
balance in Christian life, standing
firm in the faith and obey God
by loving Him and one another.
In his third letter, apostle John
commends Gaius for hospitality
& love of the truth and Demetrius
for serving the church faithfully.

Lord, we want to Live in the Truth: 
How happy I was to meet some
of your children and find them
Living according to the Truth, just
as the Father commanded (2Jn 1:4)
I am praying that all is well with you
and that your body is as healthy as
…your soul is. Some of the brothers
recently returned and make me
very happy by telling me about
your faithfulness and that you are 
Living in the Truth (3 John 1:2-3).
I could have no greater joy than
to hear that my children are
Following the Truth (3Jn 1:4). Amen

Lord, we can only build a good
foundation of faith by teaching
our children well. But only You can
make their heart to be fully Yours.
Thank You that every time we pray,
the Spirit is activated and God’s
heart-changing power is released.
And we pray our children be covered
by the grace & love of Christ, even
as we strive to live by Yr Word.Amen

Lord, l lift up all those in ministry,
 those in training & church leaders
 for their task can be challenging.
 Minister to them, protect them and
wrap Yr arms around their families.
 Help me  be a bright spot in ministry
of the church by living in the truth.
Help me to be faithful, practice what
I believe and to be a blessing, even
as I strive to live by Yr Word. Amen

Lord, grant me the same privilege
as Apostle John and give me the
joy of hearing that my spiritual
children are following the truth.
Save them from the soul sickness
caused by neglect or hypocrisy.
And cause them to experience
the strength of Spirit that comes
from living according to Your Word.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.