Trusting God In 1 John 1 (Dec 18)

God Promises Forgiveness

Apostle John who enjoys delightful
fellowship with God, desires that
his spiritual children enjoy the same
fellowship & writes to tell them how.
God is Light and to be in fellowship
with Him means walking in
the light of His commandments.
God is love, and thus His children
must walk in love. And God is life,
and those who desire fellowship
with Him must possess spiritual
life, which begins with spiritual
birth through faith in Jesus Christ.

Lord, our hope is in the Word of Life:
That which was from the beginning,
 which we have heard, which
we have seen with our own eyes,
 concerning the Word of Life…
This is the message which we
 have heard from Him and declare
 to you, that God is light and in Him
is no darkness at all (1 Jn 1:1, 5).
 If we walk in the light as He is in the
 light, we have fellowship with one
 another & the blood of Jesus Christ
 Cleanses us from all sin (1 John 1:7).
If we claim to be without sin,
we deceive ourselves and the truth
is not in us. If we Confess our sins,
He is faithful and just & will forgive
 us our sins and purify us from
 all unrighteousness (1 John 1:8-9).

Lord, Thank You for Your Word that
 says You are the Word of life and
 You are our solid rock, no matter 
whatever circumstances around us.
You are always with us and we are
safe and secure under Your arms.
Lord, You are our all in all, our hope
is in You alone and we rest on You.
Support us Lord in challenges for 
we look to You our solid rock. Amen.

Lord, You say if we claim to be
 sinless we’re only fooling ourselves;
for our old nature is still within us.
 Give me an attitude of discernment
 and humility, so that when I sin I will 
know it & desire to be cleansed of it.
Grateful Lord for Your forgiveness
 which removes sins as far as the
 east is from the west and that You
 remember them no more. Amen.

Lord, I Confess my sins before You;
 grateful that You are faithful
 to forgive them and to cleanse
 me from all the effects of them. 
If there is sin in my life that I am
 not seeing, reveal it to me so that 
I can confess it before You and
 be purified of all unrighteousness.
For I want to live in the wholeness
 of complete forgiveness. Amen.