Trusting God In Hebrews 9 (Nov 28)

God Grants Access & Inheritance

The writer of Hebrews highlighted
the superiority of Christ by pointing
out the heart of the human problem
is the problem of the human heart.
The old covenant was inadequate
because it was unable to deal
permanently with sin. But God’s
new covenant written in Christ’s
own blood which He shed on
the cross – makes full provision
for the forgiveness of sins.

Lord, You Enable Ready Access:
Only the high priest goes into
the Most Holy Place, and only
once a year & always with blood,
which he offers to God to cover
his own sins & the sins the people
have committed in ignorance. By
these regulations the Holy Spirit
revealed that the Most Holy Place
was not open to the people(H9:7-8)
Under the old system, the blood of
goats and bulls cleanses people’s
bodies from ceremonial impurity.
Think how much more the blood
of Christ will purify our consciences
from sinful deeds so that we can
worship the living God. For Christ
offered himself to God as a Perfect
Sacrifice for our sins (v13-14).
And for this reason He is the
Mediator of the new covenant,
by means of death… that those who
are called may receive the
promise of eternal Inheritance (v15).

Lord Jesus, I thank You for being
the perfect sacrifice for the sins
of the whole world including mine.
When Your blood was presented
on the mercy seat and You
offered up Your Spirit, the veil
of the temple was forever rent.
Thank You Lord for providing us
Ready Access into the presence
of God the Father. Amen.

Lord, thank You that the promise
related to Jesus’ blood represents
purity, hope, freedom & fulfilment.
Because Christ gave His life and
blood, we are cleansed of all sin,
made righteous in God’s eyes and
set free from sin’s power over us.
Because of Christ’s sacrifice and
our belief in Him, we are spiritually
free & headed towards perfection
in heaven where we will be given
incorruptible bodies to be with Him
and loved ones for eternity. Amen.

Dear Lord Jesus, Thank You for
all that You have done for us.
Thanks for the book of Hebrews
that shows You are superior
over everyone and everything.
Thanks we can access directly
to You for help in our challenges.
Thanks for the truths in Heb 9
that You pave better covenant,
that You give spiritual freedom and
that You grant eternal inheritance.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.