Trusting God In Heb 11 (Nov 30)

God Rewards Robust Faith

Hebrews closes with an appeal
for a persevering Faith that
relies on the promises of God.
Writing to an audience whose
actions were being shaped by
pressure from the world, the author
urges the kind of Faith-inspired walk
that characterised many OT saints.
Being so convinced of God’s
Faithfulness, they ordered their
lives according to His Word.
Follow their commendable example
and Walk By Faith; and not by sight!

Lord, we trust You Will Reward:
Faith is the substance of things
hoped for, the evidence of things
not seen. (Hebrews 11:1). But
without faith it is impossible to
please Him, for he who comes to
God must Believe that He is, and
that He is a Rewarder of those
who diligently Seek Him (v6).
By faith Moses… chose rather to
suffer afflictions… than to enjoy
the passing pleasures… for he
looked to the Reward (v24-26).

Lord, we need confidence in what
we hope for and assurance about
what we do not see. For Satan will
cast doubt & fear. So I claim Eph6:16
that You give me the shield of faith.
Teach me to obey even when I can’t
sense the desire to do what’s right.
Give me new desire as well as
new power to live as I should.
Wean me from excuse that I am
too weak; for Your strength is
sufficient for whatever I face. Amen

Lord, give me faith to trust You even
when the way is dark & uncertain.
Empower and strengthen me
to believe that You are who You
say You are in the Scriptures.
And that You will respond and
Reward those who Seek You.
For I purpose to Live By Faith in
Christ Jesus who truly loved me
and gave His life for me. Amen.

Lord, You promise future glory
to those who suffer in the present
for their faithfulness. Give me Lord
the courage to stand for Your cause.
Protect me from wrong and shallow
ways of thinking. I don’t want to
suffer; but I also don’t want to miss
Your blessing or the chance to
bring You honour. Amen & amen.

Trusting God In Heb 10 (Nov 29)

God Renews Your Mind to Faith

The writer of Hebrews highlighted
the superiority of Christ by pointing
out the heart of the human problem
is the problem of the human heart.
The old covenant was inadequate
for it was unable to deal with sin.
But God’s new covenant written in
Christ’s own blood which He shed
on the cross – makes full provision
for the forgiveness of sins.

Lord, You’ll Renew Our Mind to Faith:
This is the covenant I will make
with them… I Will Put my laws in
their hearts, and I Will Write them
on their minds. Then…their sins…
I’ll remember no more(Heb10:16-17)
Let us Go Into the Presence of God
with sincere hearts fully trusting
Him. Let us hold fast the confession
of our hope without wavering, for
He who promised is faithful. And let
us consider one another to Stir Up
Love and good works (v22-24).
Do not throw away this confident
trust in the Lord. Remember
the great reward it brings you!
Patient endurance is what
you need now, so that you will
continue to do God’s will. Then
you will receive all that He has
promised. For in a little while,
the Coming One will come. Now
the just shall live by faith (v35-38).

Father God, Thank You for Your
new covenant which is not only
gracious but also encouraging.
Guide me according to the truth
and instructions that You have
Written on my Heart and Mind.
Even as I purpose to obey Your
Word, grant me the grace to be
willing to do Your will each day.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Father, empower me to hold tightly
to hope in You without wavering.
Grant me breakthrough so that
I can testify of Your greatness and
encourage others towards faith.
Give me creative ideas to spur
others to love and good deeds.
Show me who I can encourage
to discipleship, devotion & prayer;
and I give You all the glory. Amen.

Lord Jesus, all through the ages,
Christians have been looking
forward to Your Second Coming.
Thank You Lord for helping me to
press on; and I purpose to endure
by faith, holding out to do God’s
will and claiming the promises.
With Your help Lord, I purpose
to run the race with endurance.
In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.

Trusting God In Hebrews 9 (Nov 28)

God Grants Access & Inheritance

The writer of Hebrews highlighted
the superiority of Christ by pointing
out the heart of the human problem
is the problem of the human heart.
The old covenant was inadequate
because it was unable to deal
permanently with sin. But God’s
new covenant written in Christ’s
own blood which He shed on
the cross – makes full provision
for the forgiveness of sins.

Lord, You Enable Ready Access:
Only the high priest goes into
the Most Holy Place, and only
once a year & always with blood,
which he offers to God to cover
his own sins & the sins the people
have committed in ignorance. By
these regulations the Holy Spirit
revealed that the Most Holy Place
was not open to the people(H9:7-8)
Under the old system, the blood of
goats and bulls cleanses people’s
bodies from ceremonial impurity.
Think how much more the blood
of Christ will purify our consciences
from sinful deeds so that we can
worship the living God. For Christ
offered himself to God as a Perfect
Sacrifice for our sins (v13-14).
And for this reason He is the
Mediator of the new covenant,
by means of death… that those who
are called may receive the
promise of eternal Inheritance (v15).

Lord Jesus, I thank You for being
the perfect sacrifice for the sins
of the whole world including mine.
When Your blood was presented
on the mercy seat and You
offered up Your Spirit, the veil
of the temple was forever rent.
Thank You Lord for providing us
Ready Access into the presence
of God the Father. Amen.

Lord, thank You that the promise
related to Jesus’ blood represents
purity, hope, freedom & fulfilment.
Because Christ gave His life and
blood, we are cleansed of all sin,
made righteous in God’s eyes and
set free from sin’s power over us.
Because of Christ’s sacrifice and
our belief in Him, we are spiritually
free & headed towards perfection
in heaven where we will be given
incorruptible bodies to be with Him
and loved ones for eternity. Amen.

Dear Lord Jesus, Thank You for
all that You have done for us.
Thanks for the book of Hebrews
that shows You are superior
over everyone and everything.
Thanks we can access directly
to You for help in our challenges.
Thanks for the truths in Heb 9
that You pave better covenant,
that You give spiritual freedom and
that You grant eternal inheritance.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Trusting God In Heb 8 (Nov 27)

God Gives Assuring Covenant

The writer of Hebrews highlighted
the superiority of Christ by pointing
out the heart of the human problem
is the problem of the human heart.
The old covenant was inadequate
for it’s unable to deal permanently
with sin. But God’s new covenant
written in Christ’s blood makes full
provision for the forgiveness of sins.

Lord, we receive Better Covenant:
He is the one who mediated for us
a far Better Covenant with God,
based on better promises (Heb8:6).
This is the new covenant I will make
…on that day, says the Lord: I will
put my laws in their minds so they
will understand them, and I will
Write Them on their hearts so they
will  obey them. I will be their God,
and they will be my people (v10).
For all Shall Know Me, from the
least to the greatest… For I will be
merciful to their unrighteousness,
and their sins and lawless deeds
I will remember no more (v11-12).

Lord, I embrace Your revelation
in scripture; and let me experience
what’s said in Your written words.
I claim every benefit of the Better
Covenant. I want to clearly know
Your will and to be Your people.
You treasure my company; and so
keep our two-way communication
through reading Your Word and prayer refreshing each day. Amen.

Father, thank You for lifting me to
intimacy with You through Jesus.
Thank You for the freedom and
rest to realise that through the
new covenant in Christ Jesus
I am enabled to obey Your words.
Empower me to cling to You O Lord
and Write Your Words in my heart.
Open my eyes to see Your great
work in those who believe. Amen.

Father God, You promise I Can
Know You – not just theoretically,
but through the experience of
a genuine relationship with You.
I really want that. And my prayer
is that You would become more
and more real to me as I turn my
thoughts and heart towards You.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Thought for the Week: Hebrews 6

God Keeps His Promises

God spoke in times past through
the prophets, but He has reserved
the declaration of His glory for
His Son. By His death, Jesus lifts
mankind into the family of God.
Because of His perfect humanity,
Jesus is uniquely qualified to serve
as High Priest for sinful mankind.
And Christ will bring His people into
the eternal resting place of heaven.

Lord, You Remember Your Promises:
For God is not unfair. He will not
forget how hard you have worked
for Him and how you have shown
your love to Him by caring for
other Christians (Heb 6:10).
God also bound Himself with an
oath, so that those who received
the promise could be perfectly sure
He would never change His mind…
These 2 things are unchangeable
because it is impossible for God
to lie. Therefore, we who have
fled to Him for refuge can take
new courage, for we can hold on
to His promise with confidence.
This confidence is like a strong
and trustworthy Anchor for
Our Souls (Heb 6:17-19). Amen.

Lord, sometimes we struggle with
living in a world where good is
ignored or even disadvantaged.
Help us to keep our eyes on You
and on the truth of Your Word.
You are righteous in all You do;
and grateful for the promise
that You will never forget all
that we do for Your kingdom.
Grant us grace as we purpose
to continue to do good. Amen.

Lord, ministry can be tough, like
a grind with endless repetition of
routines. We wish someone will
notice how hard we are working.
Thankfully this is not really so.
For You God see what we do,
will reward the sacrifices made;
and greatly approve when we
further the kingdom of Christ.
And God has promised that He will
never forget. In Jesus’ name, Amen

Lord, Thank You for providing
something to hold on to when
everything seems to be shaking.
Our hope in Christ is an Anchor
for our souls and will keep us
steady in all the storms of life.
Thank You for the promise that
those who flee to You for refuge
can take new courage because
Your promises are true and You
never break Your word! Amen.

Reflection on Hebrews (Nov 26)

Trusting God thru His Promises

The purpose of the epistle to
the Hebrews is to present the
sufficiency & superiority of Christ.
God spoke in times past through
the prophets, but He has reserved
declaration of His glory for His Son.
By His death & resurrectiob, Jesus
lifts mankind into the family of God.
Because of His perfect humanity,
Jesus is uniquely qualified to serve
as High Priest for sinful mankind.
And Christ will bring His people into
the eternal resting place of heaven.

On Monday, we learn from Heb 1/2
that God Reveals His Truths.
On Tuesday, we learn from Heb 3
that God Calls us to Be Courageous.
On Wednesday, we learn from Heb 4
that Christ Is Our Great High Priest.
On Thursday, we learn from Heb 5
that God Desires we Grow & Mature.
On Friday, we learn from Heb 6
that God Keeps His Promises.
On Saturday, we learn from Heb 7
that God Intercedes For Us. Amen.

Let us humble ourselves and pray
and seek His face. Help us O God
be Christ’s disciples who trust You:
For You Call us to be Courageous
and You truly keep Your promises;
For You God Reveals Your Truths
and You desire we Grow & Mature;
For You are our Great High Priest
and You intercede for us. Amen.

Trusting God In Hebrews 7 (Nov 25)

Christ Always Interceding For Us

God spoke in times past through
 the prophets, but He has reserved
 the declaration of His glory for 
His Son.   By His death, Jesus lifts
 mankind into the family of God.
 Because of His perfect humanity,
 Jesus is uniquely qualified to serve
 as High Priest for sinful mankind.
 Moses was a servant in God’s
household, but Christ is the
 divine Son over God’s household.
 And Christ will bring His people into
 the eternal resting place of heaven.

Lord, You Will Intercede For Us:
The Lord has sworn and will not relent;    You are a priest forever…
by so much more Jesus has
become a surety of a better
covenant (Hebrews 7:21-22).
                        There were many priests under
 the old system, for death prevented
 them from remaining in office.
 But because Jesus lives forever,
 He has a permanent priesthood.
Therefore He is able to save
 completely those who come
 to God through Him, because
 He always lives to intercede
 for them (Heb 7:23-25)...                  For this He did once for all when He offered up Himself (v27).

Lord, praise U for being not just
our Saviour, but also our great
 High Priest and our representative.
Thank you for your constant
care for us. Thank you for praying
for me continually before the
 throne of God. And I ask you for
 grace to make my life & actions
confirm to Your will. Amen.

Lord Jesus, thank you that
in your earthly life, You are the 
example, showing us how to live.
In your death, You are the perfect
 sacrifice, satisfying for all our sins. 
In Your resurrection & ascension,
 you are our conqueror and king.
And in your intercession, you are
 our eternal High Priest always
 praying for us in the power of Your
 indestructible eternal life. Amen.

Dear Lord Jesus, Thank You
 for all that You have done for us.
 Thanks for the book of Hebrews
 that shows Your completeness.
Thanks we can access directly
 to You for help in our challenges.
 Grant us confidence as you have
 promised to remember our labour, 
to be our steadfast anchor;  and
 to always Intercede For Us. Amen

Trusting God In Hebrews 6

God Keeps His Promises (Nov 24)

God spoke in times past through
the prophets, but He has reserved
the declaration of His glory for
His Son. By His death, Jesus lifts
mankind into the family of God.
Because of His perfect humanity,
Jesus is uniquely qualified to serve
as High Priest for sinful mankind.
And Christ will bring His people into
the eternal resting place of heaven.

Lord, You Remember Your Promises:
For God is not unfair. He will not
forget how hard you have worked
for Him and how you have shown
your love to Him by caring for
other Christians (Heb 6:10).
God also bound Himself with an
oath, so that those who received
the promise could be perfectly sure
He would never change His mind…
These 2 things are unchangeable
because it is impossible for God
to lie. Therefore, we who have
fled to Him for refuge can take
new courage, for we can hold on
to His promise with confidence.
This confidence is like a strong
and trustworthy Anchor for
Our Souls (Heb 6:17-19). Amen.

Lord, sometimes we struggle with
living in a world where good is
ignored or even disadvantaged.
Help us to keep our eyes on You
and on the truth of Your Word.
You are righteous in all You do;
and grateful for the promise
that You will never forget all
that we do for Your kingdom.
Grant us grace as we purpose
to continue to do good. Amen.

Lord, ministry can be tough, like
a grind with endless repetition of
routines. We wish someone will
notice how hard we are working.
Thankfully this is not really so.
For You God see what we do,
will reward the sacrifices made;
and greatly approve when we
further the kingdom of Christ.
And God has promised that He will
never forget. In Jesus’ name, Amen

Lord, Thank You for providing
something to hold on to when
everything seems to be shaking.
Our hope in Christ is an Anchor
for our souls and will keep us
steady in all the storms of life.
Thank You for the promise that
those who flee to You for refuge
can take new courage because
Your promises are true and You
never break Your word! Amen.

Trusting God In Heb 5 (Nov 23)

God Desires we Grow & Mature

God spoke in times past through
the prophets, but He has reserved
the declaration of His glory for
His Son. By His suffering & death,
Jesus He lifts mankind above
the angels into the family of God.
Because of His perfect humanity,
Jesus is uniquely qualified to serve
as High Priest for sinful mankind.
Moses was a servant in God’s
household, but Christ is the
divine Son over God’s household.
Lord, we purpose to Grow & Mature:
For every high priest taken from
among men is appointed for men
in things pertaining to God,
that He may offer both gifts
and sacrifices for sins (Heb 5:1).
Though He was a Son,
yet He learned obedience by
the things which He suffered.
And having been perfected,
He became the author of eternal
salvation to all who obey Him (v8-9).
For though by this time you ought
to be teachers, you need someone
to teach you again the first
principles of the oracles of God
and you have come to need milk…
But solid food belongs to those
who are of full age, that is, those
who… have their senses exercised
to discern both good & evil (v12-15).

Dear Lord Jesus, Thank You
for all that You have done for us.
Thanks for the book of Hebrews
that shows You are superior
over everyone and everything.
Thanks we can access directly
to You for help in our challenges.
Grant us confidence as we claim
Your promises in Hebrews 5-7;
for You are our Great High Priest
and You Intercede For Us. Amen.

Lord Jesus, You have been selected
from among men to be my High
Priest and has been appointed
to represent me in matters related
to Father God. He is the propitiation
for my sins and through Him all
of my gifts are purified and made
acceptable when He presents them
to our Father. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lord, I will not be one who is slow
to learn the elementary truths
of the Gospel all over again.
Though I enjoy milk of the Word,
I am ready for the meat of the Word,
which will bring me to maturity.
I will not be stagnant with the things
of God but will press forward
in knowledge, wisdom and grace,
seeking to live by, in & thru all that
God has for me as His child. Amen.

Trusting God In Heb 4 (Nov 22)

Christ Our Great High Priest

God spoke in times past through
the prophets, but He has reserved
the declaration of His glory for
His Son. In order to bring salvation,
the Sin of God willingly became
a little lower than the angels. And
by His suffering and death, He made
it possible to lift mankind above
the angels into the family of God.
Because of His perfect humanity,
Jesus is uniquely qualified to
serve as High Priest for sinful
mankind. And He will bring
His people into eternal rest.

Lord,we Approach with confidence:
The word of God is… powerful…
piercing even to the soul and spirit
and is a discerner of the thoughts
and intent of the heart (Heb 4:12).
Seeing then that we have a Great
High Priest… Jesus the Son of God,
let us hold fast our confession.
For we do not have a High Priest
who cannot sympathise with our
weakness, but was in all points
tempted as we are, yet without sin.
Let us therefore Come Boldly to
the throne of Grace, that we may
Obtain Mercy and Find Grace to
help in time of need (Heb 4:14-16).

Lord, breathe Your Words into me;
don’t just teach me Your truth,
fill me with it. Let it shape me
in every way so that I can hear
Your voice in it. Lord, I invite You
to sharply and decisively divide
my own thoughts from Yours and
distinguish Your voice within me.
And let Your Words burn powerfully
in my heart and mind. Amen.

Lord, praise You for being our
Great High Priest & understanding
our challenges and weaknesses.
Thank You for pouring out Your
life on the cross, for rising again
and reigning at the right hand of
the Father. Your throne is a place
of grace for Your people, where
we can receive Your mercy and
help when we most need it. Amen.

Lord Jesus, thank You that You
understand my weaknesses,
for You have been tempted in
every way and yet did not sin.
Because You understand my
struggles, I know I can come
to You and receive mercy.
Help me Lord approach You with
confidence, knowing You will help
me in my time of need. Amen.