Trusting God In Eph 4 (Oct 19)

Christ Gives Each Spiritual Gift

Because God through Christ paid
our penalty for sin and forgave us,
we have been reconciled – brought
near to Him. We are a new society,
a new family. Being united with
Christ means we are to treat one
another as family members. As we
are one family in Christ, so there
should be no barriers, no divisions,
and no basis for discrimination.
We all belong to Him, so we should
live in harmony with one another.

Lord, Unite & Bind us together:
Live a life worthy of the calling you
have received. Be humble & gentle…
Be patient with each other, making
allowance for each other’s faults
because of Your love (Eph 4:1-2).
Make every effort to keep
yourselves united in the Spirit,
binding yourselves together
with peace. For there is one body
and one Spirit, just as you have
been called to one glorious hope
for the future. There is one Lord,
one faith, one baptism, and
one God & Father (Eph 4:3-6).
To each of us grace was given
according to the measure of
Christ’s gift… And He Himself
gave some to be apostles,
some prophets, some evangelists
and some pastors and teachers,
for the equipping of the saints
for the work of ministry, for the
edifying of body of Christ (v7-12).

Lord God who searches hearts
and minds, help me accept human
imperfection in others and myself;
for we are all sinners in Your sight.
Help us to be more patient with
each other making allowance for
each other’s faults & weaknesses.
Help us to develop a right view
of others despite their annoying
faults, poor choices and non-
saintlike conduct. Help us to pray
for serenity to accept the things
that we could not change. Amen.

Lord, Help us keep unity of Spirit
in lowliness of heart and gentleness.
Let differences in our backgrounds,
experiences and personalities,
not divide us but instead enrich us.
Help us make every effort to keep
the unity of the Spirit; to treasure it,
to protect it and even promote it.
Bind us Lord together in love for
You made us one body & one spirit.
Teach us to appreciate and love one
another and live together in peace.
Lord blest the tie that binds! Amen.

Father, You have appointed
for me apostles, prophets,
evangelists, pastors and teachers
to prepare me for works of service.
They are His gift to me to build
me up towards unity of faith
with all the saints, in the knowledge
of Christ Jesus, so that I may
become mature and attain the full
measure of Christ in my life. Amen.