Trusting God In Zech 4 (Aug 17)

God Moves by His Spirit

The opening six verses of Zechariah
 give the reader valuable insight
 into how the visions that Zechariah
relates should be interpreted.
God is calling His people back
to a fresh commitment to Him – 
a commitment demonstrated in
rearranged priorities & rekindled
 worship. God desires to cleanse
 and use His nation. Like a candle-
stick and lamps, Israel can bear
light to a darkened world “not
 by might, nor by power, but by
 my spirit, says the Lord of hosts.”

Lord, we’ll Move by Your Spirit:
 Now the angel who talked with
me came back and wakened me…
And he said… What do you see?
So I said: there is a lampstand
of solid gold…and two olive
trees are by it (Zech 4:1-3).
And (the angel) said to me:
This is the word of the LORD
 to Zerubbabel: Not by might
 nor by power, but by My Spirit,
 says the Lord of hosts.
Who are you O great mountain? 
Before Zerubbabel you shall
 become a plain (Zech 4:6-7).

Almighty God, I acknowledge
that I cannot do all You have
 called me to do, except that
 Your Spirit enables me to do it.
 I depend on You Lord to help
me get where I need to go.
 I worship You as the light of
 my life who illuminates my path
 and guides every step of the way.
 I praise You as the all-powerful
 God for whom nothing is too hard.
 In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.

Lord of heavenly hosts,
quieten my soul so that I can
 hear the truth that the Spirit
 would like to reveal to me.
 I realise addictive behaviours can
interfere with God’s call on my life.
Thank You Lord for loving me,
 even when I struggle with yielding,
or even refuse to surrender what
Your Spirit has revealed to me.
 Bear with me I pray. In Jesus’ name.

Father God, forgive me for the
 times when I try to do Your work
ing my way and by my power.
 Realising I can only accomplish
 Your work by trusting in Your Spirit, 
I now yield myself to You
 Lord. Fill me with Your Spirit;
and do immeasurably more 
than all that I ask or imagine.
 In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.