Trusting God In Joel 2 (Aug 10)

God Restores Past Losses

Addressing hearts that have grown
cold to the things of God, Joel
confronts the people of Judah.
He reminds them of the destruction
brought by a plague of locusts and
warns of the castastrophe to come.
Unless the nation repents, it will be
destroyed by an army fr the north.
The only hope of escape is for
the people to repent. If they do,
then God will divert judgment and
will deliver unparalleled blessing
and the gift of peace to Zion!

Lord, You Restore Past Losses:
So rend your heart and…
return to the Lord your God,
for He is gracious and merciful,
slow to anger and of great
kindness and He relents
from doing harm (Joel 2:13).
I Will Repay you for the years
the locusts have eaten… my
great army that I sent among you.
You shall eat in plenty and be
satisfied, and praise the name
of the Lord your God, who has
dealt wondrously with you…
Then you shall know that…
I am the Lord your God and there
is no other. And My people shall
never be put to shame (v25-27).
It shall come to pass afterward
that they will pour out My Spirit
on all flesh… Whoever Calls
on the name of the Lord Shall
Be Saved (Joel 2:28-32)

Lord, thank You that it’s never
too late to turn to You and see
Restoration happens in our life.
Even though there has been time
wasted when we didn’t live fully for
You, pray that You Will Redeem the
time and help us to make up for it.
Restore Lord everything that has
been lost, wasted or ruined so that
we can testify of Your glory. Amen.

Lord, there’s times when we ignore
the still small voice & make mistake
Though discipline may come our
way but You promise to give back
the years the locusts had eaten.
Grateful that You Lord not only
forgive but Your mercy is great.
Help us learn from our mistakes
and grow even closer to You Lord.
And thank You that You will redeem
our past and guide our future. Amen.

Lord, thank You for Your Word
that everyone who calls
on Your name Will Be Saved.
Grateful for the promise to hear
and answer my cries for help.
Your rescue of me may not end
up looking like what I imagine
but You do promise to deliver.
Grant me the faith to believe this
promise with all my heart. Amen.