Trusting God In Hosea 14 (Aug 9)

God who Gives Hope & Restores

Because of unchecked sin, Israel
will be removed from the land in
a tragic blast of judgment & death.
Destruction, famine and forced
labour will befall God’s people.
Although the nation deserves
to be destroyed, God will keep
His promises. God is holy and just,
but He is also loving and gracious.
God must discipline, but because
of His faithfulness & endless love,
He will ultimately save and
restore His wayward people.

Lord, You Give Hope & Restore:
O Israel, return to the Lord your God,
for you have stumbled because of
your iniquity; take words with you,
and return to the Lord. Say to Him:
Take away all iniquity; Receive us
graciously, for we will offer the
sacrifies of our lips (Hos 14:1-2).
I will heal their backsliding,
I will love them freely, for my
anger has turned away from him.
I will be like the dew to Israel;
He shall grow like the lily…
His branches shall spread (v4-6).
Who is wise? Let him understand
these things… For the ways of
the Lord are right; the righteous
walk in them (Hosea 14:9).

Father, I have confessed my sins
before You God and received
Jesus as my Lord and Saviour.
I now stand in God’s favour and
can freely offer Him the fruit of
my lips to the praise of His glory.
I purpose to continually sow the                words of the Spirit in His presence
and they will not fail to produce
a harvest of righteousness. Amen.

Father God, You give me freedom
and will direct the course of my life.
You will heal my waywardness;
and You have set Your unconditional
and everlasting love upon me
for all of eternity. Your renewing
grace is like morning dew watering
my ground, refreshing me and
enabling me to blossom. Amen.

Lord, Your ways are just and proper;
and I purpose to walk in them,
and when I do I know I’ll prosper.
For in and through You, I will obtain
tremendous wisdom, insight and understanding. And in You Lord,
all the precepts and promises
in Your word will be realized
in my life, in Jesus’ name, Amen.