Trusting God In Isaiah 64 (Jul 22)

God Acts for those who Wait

In the light of the present calamity
and the coming glory, there can
only be one fitting response
from God’s people: repentance
for their pride and rebellion.
The twin themes that dominated
Isaiah’s message- condemnation
and consolation appear yet
again in the concluding verses:
The hand of the Lord shall be known
toward his servants (consolation)
and His indignation towards His
enemies (condemnation) (66:14).

Lord, You Act for Those Who Wait:
O that You would burst from
the heavens and Come Down!
How the mountains would quake
in Your presence!.. When You
Came Down long ago, You did
awesome things beyond our
highest expectations (Isa 64:1-3).
For since the beginning of the world
no one has heard nor perceived by
the ear, no eye has seen any God
besides You, who acts on behalf
of those Who Wait for Him (v4).
O Lord, You are our Father;
We are the clay and You our potter;
And we are the work of Your hand.
Do not be furious O Lord, Nor remember iniquity forever…please
look – we are Your people (v8-9).

Lord, thanks for doing awesome
things and for working beyond
our highest expectations.
And You Lord continue to do
them for those who Wait for You.
Help me to wait for You with hope;
fill me with a holy expectancy of
Your Coming; and glorify Yourself
through my ministry and life. Amen.

Lord, You have good plans for us
and Your plans are worth the Wait.
But in our instant society, waiting
can be rather tough, especially
so when the wait has been long.
Hear my cry Lord for I am waiting
on You to act on Your plan for me.
Help me not to put a time limit
on when I think You should act.
I want to trust that You will act
in just the right time. Amen.

Lord, You are our Father, and
all we are the work of Your hand.
Do not be furious O Lord,
nor remember our sin forever;
for we are after all Your people.
And surely You will make
all things beautiful In Your Time.
Lord, please show me everyday;
As You’re teaching me Your way
And I’ll do just what You say
In Your time. In Jesus’ name.