Trusting God In Isaiah 49

The Lord Your Saviour (Jul 15)

For the people of God, the path
of restoration is the path of
servanthood and suffering.
There is coming One who
will pardon iniquity and will
restore righteousness to Zion.
In contrast to the rebellion of Israel,
this Servant will come willingly
and humbly to offer Himself as
a sacrifice for many. Therefore,
the faithful ones are called
upon to hearken to God’s voice
for righteousness is near.

Lord, You are My Strength & Savior:
My God shall be My Strength.
Indeed He says: It is too small
a thing that You should be My
Servant… to restore the preserved
ones of Israel; I will also give You
as a light to the Gentiles, that You
should be My Salvation (Isa 49:5-6)
In an acceptable time I have
heard You, and in the day of
salvation I have helped You…
The Lord has comforted His
people and will have mercy on
His afflicted… I will not forget you.
See I have inscribed you on
the palms of My hands (v8,13-16).
Thus says the Lord: I will contend
with him who contends with you,
and I will save your children.
I will make your oppressors eat
their own flesh; they will be drunk
on their own blood… Then all
mankind will know that I, the
Lord (Jehovah), am your Saviour
(Moshiekh), your Redeemer,
the Mighty One (Isa 49:25-26).

Lord, You are my heavenly Father
and you are the strength of my life.
Grateful that in Your eyes I hold
a position of tremendous honour.
For You have made me a light unto
the world; and that You have
granted me the privilege of taking
His salvation to the ends of the
earth. In Jesus name, Amen.

Abba God, I have unlimited favour
in the audience of You my Father.
For You make each day a time of
healing and delivetance for me.
You lead me on a comfortable
passage filled with provision.
You have given me Your Word
that You will never forsake me,
nor ever forget that I am Your child.
And You have made me Your own,
a brand new born creation, Amen.

Lord Jehovah Moshiekh, make
me a vessel of Your salvation
to those who need to know You.
Show me how to live; and make
my life a living testimony that
speaks of Your grace and mercy.
And pray that when others see
Your salvation in our lives, they
will be encouraged to receive it
in theirs as well. In Jesus’ name.