Thought for the Week: Ps 121/123

God Helps & Protects His People

Thank God for Help & Protection:
Psalms 120-127 deal with topics
dear to the heart of travellers
far from home: peace (120, 122);
Protection (121, 125, 127); and
provision (123, 124, 126). As you
read these “hymns of the highway”
imagine yourself on a journey of life
with your destination now in view.

Lord, You Help and Protect us:
I will lift up my eyes to the hills-.                    from whence comes my help?
My Help Comes from the Lord,
who made the heavens and the
earth! He will not let you stumble
and fall; the one who Watches
over U will not slumber (Ps 121:1-3
The Lord himself Watches over you!
The Lord stands besides you as
your protective shade…The Lord
Keeps you from Evil & preserves
your life. The Lord keeps watch
over you as u come & go (v5-8).
Unto You I lift up my eyes,
O You who dwell in the heavens.
Behold, as the eyes of servants
look to the hand of their masters…
so our eyes look to the Lord our God
until He has mercy on us(Ps 123:1-2)

Lord, our Help comes from You,
who made the heavens & earth!
Because You hold me, I will not
stumble and fall. Because You
watch over me, I will not fear
for my security is in You my God.
Thank You for watching over me
and for caring about my situation.
Thank You I am not alone for You
are with me and helping me. Amen

Lord, I pray for protective covering.
And thank You for watching over
and protecting my loved ones!
What peace it gives me to know
that You never slumber or sleep.
And that I can confidently entrust
those I love to Your care & keeping.
Bless and keep my family coming
and going both now & always.Amen

Lord, Your assurance to Your
followers is that as we lift up our
eyes in You, You’ll have mercy on us.
You Lord Will Keep us from evil;
and it has no real power over us.
Lord, I want to live with confidence
that I am secure and safe in You.
Keep me Trusting in You and
not worrying over things. Amen.

Reflection on Psalms 107-127

Trusting God thru His Promises

The purpose of Psalms is to provide poetry for the expression of praise, worship and confession to God.
Psalms 107-150 are similar to Deut
as they concern God & His Word;
and we can use these psalms as
a hymnbook of praise and worship.
On Monday, we learn from Ps 107
that God Helps His People.
On Tuesday, we learn fr Ps 108/109
that God Faithful to His People.
On Wed, we learn from Ps 116/118
that God Listens & Answers Prayers.
On Thu, we learn from Psalm 119
that God’s Word Provides Direction.
On Friday, we learn from Ps 121/123
that God Helps & Protects His Pple.
On Sat, we learn from Ps 126/127
that God Will Restore His People.
Let us humble ourselves and pray
and seek His face. Help us O God
be Christ’s disciples who trust You:
for You truly keep Your promises;
for You are faithful to Your people,
for You listen and answer prayers,
provide direction, help, protect
and restore Your people. Amen.

Trusting God In Ps 126/127 (Jun 3)

God Will Restore His People

Backgrounder on Psalms 120-127:
These psalms deal with topics
dear to the heart of travellers
far from home: peace (120, 122);
protection (121, 125, 127); and
Provision (123, 124, 126). As you
read these “hymns of the highway”
imagine yourself on a journey of life.

Lord, You Restore & Give Rest:
When the Lord Brought Back
His exiles to Jerusalem… We were
filled with laughter & we sang for joy.
Yes, the Lord has done amazing
things for us! What joy! (Ps 126:1-3).
Those who plant in tears
Will Harvest with shouts of joy.
They weep as they go to plant
their seed, but they sing as
they return with the harvest,
Bringing In the Sheaves (v5-6).
Unless the Lord Builds a house,
the work of the builders is useless…
It is useless for you to work so hard
from early morning until late at night,
anxiously working… for God Gives
His beloved sleep (Ps 127:1-2).

Lord, thank You for not giving up
on Your people and thank You
for doing amazing things for us.
Just like God’s people returning
from exile, we will praise You for
Your grace that Brings Restoration.
Our hearts Lord are filled with joy
knowing that You hold out a loving
hand saying: Trust me! Try again
for I am with you. In Jesus’ name.

Lord, when we plant the seed
of God’s Word in the hearts of
those we love; Your promise
is that the harvest is coming.
One day we will see many of
those seeds come to fruition.
Help us not despair but keep on
planting; for You God will not waste
the seed we’ve obediently scattered.
And one day we will surely see
the fruit of our labour. Amen.

Lord, thanks for the promise that
You Give Rest to Your loved ones.
For You God didn’t wire us to work
like machines 24/7 all the time.
In Your goodness, You God has
promised to Give us Rest so that
we can also have balance in life.
And we can Trust You God with
the results for You are Almighty
and You are a faithful God. Amen.