Trusting God In Ps 95/96 (May 23)

God Our Maker & Saviour

Though the author of most of
Psalms 90-97 are unknown,
the Object of their worship is well
known: the God of eternity (Ps 90),
the God of protection (Ps 91),
the God of greatness (Ps 92),
the God of majesty (Ps 93),
the God of vengeance (Ps 94),
the God of salvation (Ps 95),
the God of glory (Ps 96) and
the God of holiness (Ps 97).

Lord, we will praise Our Maker:
Let us come before His presence
with thanksgiving; let us shout
joyfully to Him with psalms.
For the Lord is the great God,
and the great King (Ps 95:2-3).
Oh come, let us worship
and bow down; let us kneel
before the Lord our Maker.
For He is our God, and we are
the people of His pasture, and
the sheep of His hand (Ps 95:6-7)
Sing a new song to the Lord! Let
the whole earth sing to the Lord!
Bless His name. Each day proclaim
the good news that He Saves…
Tell everyone the amazing things
He does. For He is great and
greatly to be praised (Ps 96:1-4).

Father God, we thank You
that You have given us so much.
Your grace does not just come
in to us and forgive us our sins.
For it changes the way we live
in the world and with each other.
Draw and lead us Father God to
be more like Your Son who is so
gracious and came to serve. Amen.

Lord God, You are my maker
and I bow before You in adoration.
I worship You for Your strength,
Your perfection & Your compassion.
I worship You for being holy and
also being merciful to forgive sins.
I worship You for being greater
than the problems of this world.
I worship You for being the reason
for love, hope and joy in a world that
lacks much of these things. Amen.

Lord, draw me to sing to You
and bless Your name every day.
Give me a joyful heart to tell others
about the amazing things You do,
notably the good news: You Save!
Give me words Lord to share from
Your heart with those I will meet.
Reveal more of Yourself so that
I may praise You more and more.
For the Lord is great and greatly
to be praised indeed! Amen.